
Snowboard binding strap question???

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I bought new snowboard boots and bindings (salomon ivy boots and salomon classics bindings). i put on my new boot.. tightened it up and put it in my new binding (dont have em on a board yet but i dont think this would make a difference?).

the toe strap fits fine but the upper strap (close to the ankle) only gets a couple cranks and feels like the ridged part that you put in the strap should be longer.

can i buy a longer strap????

or does it not really matter? i just think i would feel more secure im not sure though

the owner of my local shop was helping me out and didnt say anything about it and i didnt notice til i tried myself when i got home.




  1. You may be able to get the straps from large sized bindings, and there are ones that you can make longer or shorter by moving where the s***w is.  It's really fine as long as there's a tail sticking out after you ratchet yourself in.  If it's right at the tip, that could be a problem because sometimes when I ratchet down really tight, I sometimes hear a pop because it was too tight and didn't get seated in correctly.  

    Too long of a tail can be an eyesore too.

  2. I have seen some bindings that have longer straps available (call the shop you bought them from) and some also have an adjustable mounting point that can be moved to make the strap (or the buckle side) longer.

    Good Luck

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