
Snowboard sponsorship?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be sponsored by snowboarding, but I am young and I can't really compete in many competitions. So if you have an awnser to this PLEASE TELL ME! Thanks




  1. get good and then find a small chain and ask them about sponsoring

  2. To get sponsored compete in as many comps as possible, chat up a storm with guys who look like they know what they're doing to get well kown. Try writing to whererver you wanna get sponsored. GOOD LUCK!

  3. The best way to get sponsored, other than competing, is to make a vid and send it out to as many companies/shops/people in the industry that you can.

    No music, no bullsh*t.  Just you doing good tricks.  Mix it up if you want to stand out, everyone can do strait 5's in the park.  Put style to your moves, don't just go for flailing rotations, and use other locations than the park.  Be creative and show off the best you have.  30 minutes should be more than enough.

    Oh, and being young isn't a disadvantage.  There are plenty of spons'd kids running around at the big resorts.
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