alright. to start out i am 15 years old, about 5 foot 2, own a burton punch 140 cm, flow bindings and i ride regular. while i know that this board is pretty much too small for me, it is all i have and i am stuck with it so i am doing my best to work with it. i have been snowboarding for about 5 years now and i am now starting to experiment with my stance / width seeing is that i have grown a large amount since the stance and width was originally set. my stance was originally set at 15/0 but i am now trying to set it at a duck stance of about 15/8. the width was originally set at 17" and now after experimenting, i have found 18" to be a good width for me. this is where the issue comes in. because of the fact that the board is so small, when i moved the back binding, the proportions were very odd. seeing as that this is hard to explain let me draw a rough diagram of what it looks like on the board - (==\ /=). my question is is this okay, and if not, how can i fix it?