
Snowboarding on rails and boxes?

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I have so mush trouble doing board slides on boxes! Well mabe it was because i hade a rental board last year to learn on but this year i got a K2 va va voom and it looks so cool. it is a jib board so it should help me in the park. i think? i havent actually tried a rail before so if you can give me some tips on how to do rails and boxes that would be helpful!




  1. Rails and boxes are fairly easy. If you're going for a board slide on a box, then follow these steps.

    1. Go straight towards the ramp up to the box, if no ramp go straight towards box

    2. Crouch down when you're about to get off the ramp or to the box.

    3. Raise yourself up to your normal boarding position and immediately jump.

    4. Rotate yourself until your head is facing the box (sometimes it helps to jump off the ramp at an angle and then sweep your back foot so it's parallel to your front foot)

    5. Land on the rail and be sure not to flinch or move much (ice might cause you to slip if you move quickly on the box)

    6. When you get to the end of the box, jump off and sweep your feet to the right (or left depending on whether it was frontside or backside and whether you're regular or goofy)

    7. Try to stamp your board on the ground when you land.

    That about covers it.

  2. You really want to make sure you have good board control. Then you also want to make sure you have your edges detuned. That would help.

  3. go for it make sure you sre stright with the rail. I thought it was pretty easy I was doing rails and boxes on my second day of snowboarding. But i do skate probably helped.

  4. Well practice really is the key. But some tips are to widen out your stance... this will give you more balance when boardsliding. And duck out your stance... this will give you the ability to spin the board around easier even if you are only just turning 90 degrees to boardslide. Also, when approaching get some speed. Trying to boardslide a box at a very low speed is like trying to ride a bicycle at a very low speed... its hard to keep your balance. Other than that just make sure you keep your knees bent and stay panic-free and you should pick it up quickly.

  5. Make sure you keep your base flat!  It's kind of counter intuitive when learning, but very important...

  6. Your board is definatly not to big. i am 5'4'' too but my board is a 154. You just need to practice

  7. I just demoed the K2 VVV Rocker last week.. it's SUCH a fun board!

    As far as length.. I was riding a 143.. and.. I weigh a lot more than you do. The VVV is designed so you can actually go 5cm shorter than you normally would because it has a longer effective edge relative to board length.. so a 143 might actually be a little long for you, but only in this specific board.

    As far as doing boardslides.. I finally just did one a week ago (I was at HCSC on Mt. Hood in Oregon)! It's hard! The way my coach had us doing it was to go on the box 50-50, then slide our back foot around to the boardslide.

    Approach the box really REALLY slow (the time I did it, I didn't even think I'd make it up on the box!), get on the box 50-50, slide your back leg around so that you're perpendicular. Make sure you keep your knees bent, and try leaning a bit forward to make sure your board is flat. Think about crouching down and keeping your weight on the balls of your feet. You might even want to bring your arm out in front of you a little. Keep your eyes on the end of the box.

    At the end, don't forget to jump back 90 so that you don't land with your board still sideways (which is what I did).

    I seriously hiked that box for hours before I finally got it - just keep trying and thinking about what you have to do versus what you ARE doing and you'll get it!

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