
Snowboarding.....parents are unsupportive?

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okay so this is really lame but here it is:

ive never been the kind of girl who gets into sports, im not lazy or fat or anything i just never found a sport that i was driven in and liked to do....and then i got to go snowboarding and i FREAKING LOVED IT it was so much fun and i felt amazing and i just wanted to keep going and get better every time i fell and its not like i want to go pro i just want to do this as a serious hobby but my parents have shot down the idea because of the money and im dying to go again...i dont think that they think that i could actually get good....i just want to do it for fun...and i dont have a job because of my parents im unable to get one since they make me watch my younger sib constantly




  1. OMG i soooo know how you feel, i snowboard at xscape and i absolutly love it! but my parents refuse to buy me board or boots and refuse to take me on a proper holiday to the mountains D:   i also like you would lovee to turn pro but my parents arnt really interested. luckly i work at xscape so i can snowboard when ever, but its not the same as a proper mountain  :(

    just keep nagging them and im sure it will work out for you, and surly if you can onlly keep it as a hobby for now, when your older you will be going on holiday by yourself so you will be able to get into it proper  you may have to wait  but i cant think of any other solution tbh, i know how difficult parents can be :/

  2. Just tell your parents that you really like it and you want to persue a sport you enjoy. You are right, it is very costly. If you know your going to stick to it then buying your own gear is the right way to go. It is a lot of money up front but you'll save yourself money instead of renting all the time. If your parents wont help you pay for it then I suggest getting a part time job, it is really the only way. Try to find a job that works around your hours so you can go when you don't have to look after your younger sibling. Good luck!

  3. say "I need to snowboard or i'll dis-own you

  4. Just say that to your mom who cares if it sounds corny you like the sport. in fact you "FREAKING LOVE IT" and over the summer try to get a part time job and i know it'll be hard because you have to watch you brother or sister but try to find a moderate job and you'll be on your way! Also the most expensive part is the rental and the lift ticket. If you have enough money you should by a membership for your local hill and buy your own equipment and since your a beginner it doesn't have to be top of the line products. Just buy last years stuff and the second next years gear comes out the old gear will be massively on sale. You can find a good quality beginner board for maybe $150. A friend of mine just started this year and bought last years Burton boots for only $40. So good luck!

  5. Ok I never thought I would ever suggest to someone to watch MTV but on an episode of Made or something like that this girl learned to ride.  If I remember correctly her parents were not supportive but they eventually warmed up to the idea.  Perhaps find a copy on the web of this episode and play it for them.  Also some schools have a snowboard club... join and then it's school related and they can p**s off.

  6. DONT GIVE UP!!  I had the same thing as a kid with BMX and I got so discouraged as a 16 year old kid that finally I gave up and quit riding b/c my parrents wouldnt help me. You cant give up! My only riding buddy went on to become pro. Now Im picking it back up after being out of the sport for years. But if I stuck with it ...   You have to follow your dreams, maybe a guilt trip is in order here, got some other relitives in on the deal. Grandparrents aunts uncles. Let them know that your serious about this. One reason they might not support you is b.c of the fact that you have never been into anything b4. They may see this as a passing phase. SHow them its not.  Tell them you want to get a job so that you can buy your own stuff. Or ask for money for watching your sib.  All is not lost, Summer is comming soon, your P rents dont need to go out and drop a G spot all in one shot on gear for you. You can get your deck here, bindings there,  Your a girl play the charm, You can do this.  THe most important thing is not to give up...  This is something that you really want to do so put your mind to it and make it happpen, the ball is in your court hun,!   Good luck !

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