
Snowboarding similar to surfing?

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Okay I've been skiing since I could walk, and I'm fourteen now and last ski season i accomplished going down a double black diamond bowl without falling on my butt :D (can't say the same for my dad, his but was on the snow every time i looked back up the mountain) ...anyways..I also learned to surf over the summer, I mean not hardcore surfing, but i can stay up for a minute. (but then again...they aren't ginormous waves)

ANYWAYS..haha i was wondering if snowboarding is similar to surfing and if its worth trying. My sister tried it a few years ago and her but and knees were still thawing when we got to the hotel (she isn't very athletic) but I play soccer and I feel i have a pretty good sense of ballance...I'm only like 5 4 and 115 pounds and I go up against juniors in highschool and manage to stay on my feet when being pushed around.

Just wondering if i should try it.

Gracias in advance :]'





  1. As someone who has surfed in competitions and snowboarded in competitions I can say they are very very different.  But I guess you could argue that if you understand one than you can get the other.

    snowboarding takes a bit of learning.  I don't know anyone who didn't fall on a first run.  It's a bit ackward if you dont know whats up, but when you figure it're golden.  

    So to answer your question...yes.  You should try it.  also started as a skiier and switched to boarding when I was 13 or 14.   For the past 10 years I have loved snowboarding and excelled decently with racing. but I still throw on skiis ever now and then.

    But unfortunately due to a broken leg two seasons ago, snowboarding is now a rare treat which causes much pain.  So please do it.  Enjoy it.  It is a wonderful feeling.  It is...well I 'll give this example.  One time my ex said to me "would you rather come and see me and have s*x or go snowboarding!?!?!"  to which I replied..."well...s*x isn't seasonal."

    Good luck

  2. It's always worth it to give it a shot. Go on and try it to see if you like it or not. Snowboarding is like surfing only in the way that you need to constantly balance but other than that they are pretty different.

  3. Uhmmmm... No Surfing is not even close to being simular.... to snowboarding.. well yes there both sports were ur on a Board and yeh but.. snowboarding ur strapped on and going down hill and **** and Surfing ur going through waves and ur not strapped in... yes there veryyy simular in a sense but no there totally different.. Like if u were a pro surfer.. it wouldnt be a big advantage if u were to snowboard

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