
Snowboarding sponsors?

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i am a pretty decent snowboarder i can get some big air if i really want to and pull of a couple tricks. how would one go about getting sponsors and competing in competitions. you have any info i would appreciate. especially about getting sponsorship from burton




  1. There aren't too many snowboarders that wouldn't love to be sponsored by Burton, myself very much included. I LOVE them. Anyways, since you like doing aerials, competing in the Big Air competitions would be right up your alley. Yes, there are lots of ski areas and resorts that have comps and also you can join USSA and USASA to compete in their comps. As far as getting sponsored, get some awesome footage of your best stuff and start working on a resume with competition rankings and stuff you have done and send it to anyone and everyone from local ski slopes with teams, snowboard shops and the internet. Also check out loop' Good luck and have fun.

  2. Local resorts usually hold competitions/races later in the year (about this time of year actually) so do your best to get into as many of those as you can and kick some ***, your sure to get noticed by someone if you win any of those.  Have a friend videotape you doing some of your best stuff and get it out on the internet.  Go to local boardshops like Zumiez or Pedersons (places we have around here) or places like them and ask them about sponsorships.  Even if they dont sponsor, they might be able to give you some info on sponsors.
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