
Snowboarding trick 180. tips, please!?

by  |  earlier

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i know i'm doing the 180 right but i'm not sure if i'm supposed to start out goofy or not. i have tried it both ways but i can only land it when i start out switch.




  1. You could go down regular for the control, then quickly revert to goofy before the jump, 180 back into regular and ride away smooth!

  2. your not doing it wrong but if you want to land switch start by just riding around switch and taking a jump and not doing anything but the jump it will make you better at landing switch and then you will eventually be able to take the jump regular and land it switch

  3. Theres nothing wrong with what you're doing. Thats just called a switch 180. Landing goofy can be kind of difficult so you might want to try practicing riding switch a little bit so you don't fall when you land.

  4. you could try shifting your legs fast in the clockwise position enough to then slowly turn your body to land.start riding regular jump and go goofy, and shift back to regular if you have to

  5. you're doing it right if you're trying a switch 180. If you want to try a regular 180 just spend a full day of snowboarding riding switch. it's like reteaching yourself to snowboard. then you'll be much better at landing switch and it can really really help your park rideing so eventually when you learn 180's on and off rails and boxes and 540's landing shouldn't be a problem

  6. there's no wrong was to do a 180 unless you don't spin 180 degrees. So, starting switch and landing regular is totally cool. But what you wanna do is a front side 180 from regular so you can watch yourself jump and make sure you land it well. You basically just pop off your heels and spin fast enough to be riding goofy by the time you nail the landing

  7. You could try doing a 360 then you would land the way you want to.

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