
Snowboarding trip weather concerns.?

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Hey everyone. I will be leaving for Michigan (I'm from Illinois) on Friday morning for a weekend of snowboarding at Big Powderhorn Mountain. I've got two questions...

One, I've never snowboarded in what is projected as -20 degree wind chill. Is this bad for my board? I don't want to be hitting jumps and rails and end up ruining my board.

Second, my friends and I are renting a huge cottage right off the slopes. It's got an outdoor hot tub. Will this sort of weather do anything drastic health wise? I mean...if I'm jumping out of 90 degree water and going to an immediate -20, it just doesn't seem good? Any thoughts?




  1. dont forget your facemask for that -20 windchill !!!!!

  2. hey yeah thanks for the answer on the pissin in public question. lol its not actually my friend its me. i jus didnt wanna sound lk a loser online. lol

  3. Your health will be fine as i went on holiday a few weeks ago, with an OUTDOOR jacuzzi and i was fine bit cold when you get out but you wil; be fine.

    Your board should be gr8 in all condition but watch out the wind when jumper as it could push you add to one side. and watch out or really soft snow you wont get anywhere

  4. I wouldnt worry about your board much it shouldnt break unless its old and weak. The hot tub situation as long as you get out of the water and go inside it wont matter much unless your half a mile walk from the cottage.

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