Hi my dad needs a snowmobile helmet and we want a good quality one thats less than $170 and no more than that! We're looking a modular (flip up) helmet that is at least XXXL (3XL). He has never tried on a 3xl but he has tried on everything lower than that including a 2xl and for some reason they just don't fit over his head. But we think a 3xl will work and probably won't need to get into the 4xl! yikes! but anyways wat is a good MODULAR(has to be flip up) SNOWMOBILE helmet under $170 that is XXXL? We have found some but not sure if they are good quality. We have also found some that are exactly wat we need but about $200 and we really don't want to spend more than $150 and at the highest $170 including shipping if we order it online. We are tight on money. We found some that matched are criteria. Is GMax, Vox, CKX any good? I found a nice one from Gmax ( the 14x) and the 2008 CKX MODULAR HELMET) both for under $140 w/o shipping. These any good? Lemme know ASAP and thanx, pls answer!