
Snug <span title="piercing....................?">piercing....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Ive just had my rook pierced and would love my snug pierced on the other ear, id like to get it done next week but is it ok to get my rook and snug pierced in the same week??? i figured they could then heal at the same time instead of waiting months and going through the process again?

any advice appreciated, thanks




  1. yes, especially if its on the other ear!:-)

    and yes its a good idea, the healing process is a pain!

  2. ive been told you can have about two piercings healing at the same time without them being go for it :) saves alot of trouble

  3. You should be perfectly fine. I got my conch and tragus pierced on the same day within seconds of eachother.

    However, if you sleep on your sides, you are going to have to find a new way to sleep for awhile :]  

  4. Ive had my rooke done for many years, it was the worst pain. i have 17 piercing, even my C**t 2 times, and never as much pain as my rooke, so if you completed your rooke healing, it can take up to 6 months, depending on how much you bang it or sleep on it, you will have blood. do you want blood on you pillow that much, two  &quot;hardcore&quot; ear piercings is a bit much, but fuc*k it, if you can deal with the pain, both would not be to much, i mean you clean them the same, and you will be fine. i love my rooke, and never will i let it close, love yours

    you found a good way to modify your body with out permanent problems, although tattoos are great, i have 11 of them!!!!

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