
So, Barack HUSSEIN osama bin Obama's minister said we deserved Sept. 11, America is evil, and jews are bad?

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How long will it take for Obama to crash and burn now !!??

By the way, this evil racist pastor is on Obama's campaign as an advisor. And Obama attended this church with this pastor for over 20 YEARS ! And this racist baptised obama's kids, and oversaw Obama's marriage.

Obama is a racist, anti-semitic, anti-american worthless pile of garbage.




  1. Then don't vote for him.

    But don't insult my intelligence by telling me who to vote for!!

  2. no one said that, please, stop spreading lies, its getting old!

  3. If he doesn't like jews, then there may be some hope for him yet!

  4. In Full Agreement, but what if a white church pastor had said the same racist comments in a United or Anglican church, and was representing Hillary, would any mention of this assault have been carried on CNN, ABC, NBC etc, etc, yes for ever and ever

    until Barrack Hussein was nominated, or until Brittany was fully recovered.!!

  5. To dmcneely: Actually he did say that.  So do your homework before you accuse other people of lying.  Oh, and do us all a favor and vote for someone that is willing to pledge allegience to the flag of America...

  6. If Barack was white, people would be screaming for him to get out of the race after a 20 year relationship with a minister who really likes Farrakan, the leader of the black KKK. Tired of the double standard. Barack is full of hot air, someone please pop the balloon.

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