
So, I finally got my first babysitting job! Now what....?

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It's more of a mother's helper i guess. the lady and her husband are putting up a patio cover thing and i'm gonna watch her 2 year old son and keep him out of their hair. i work from 10-5 on both saturday and sunday. i'm getting paid $4 and hour, which is perfectly fine since i only charge 3, but she wants to help out with gas. basicly, my question is: is there anything i should know? what should i wear? how should i act? does this sound like a good deal? my dad is dropping me off so he can meet them. what activities should i do with the child? what should i bring with me? etc. any help is appreciated!




  1. you should know what the kid is allergic to, if it has to take any medications, and if it has seizures or anything like that. you should wear comfortable clothes, not really nice clothes, because kids are messy and they will probably get messed up anyway. act friendly and playful. kids like to play and if you're mean, they'll cry the whole time. yeah its a good could watch tv with the child, most kids like tv, play with toys with them. you should bring some food and maybe a cell phone

  2. Bring the child a little goody (not candy) and he will instantly like you. It will also be something new that will distract him away from Mom, which is what she wants. Relax, have fun, and enjoy your time.

    The 2 year old I babysat for when I was 14 is now a college professor! I like to think I did something right - LOL!!

  3. 1.  Anything to know:  A good babysitting CPR class would be a good start.

    2.  Wear:  Jeans and a nice shirt.  You want to wear comfortable clothes, but not too revealing or party-like.  

    3.  Act:  Like an adult that has the responsibility of a 2 year old.

    4.  Good deal:  Yes it does!  I think I got paid $4/hour for watching 2 kids... but that was 15 years ago.  OMG I feel so old.

    5.  Activities:  Coloring, musical activities, my kid LOVES books, patty cake, he might play pretend..., The parents should have toys for him to play with.  Most kids that age could watch a half an hour of Barney, or some other quality programming.

    6.  Bring with you:  Just a smile and great attitude!  I would also recommend bringing a book to read.  The two year old will probably be napping sometime in the afternoon and you will want something to keep you busy, but out of the way of the parents.

  4. Well as far as what to wear just dress comfortably because I'm sure you will be running after the little guy lol...As far as activities I'm sure he has a lot of movies and toys so just make sure you play with him when hes doing certain things. don't just sit around and look at him get down on the floor and play with him.I'm sure he would love that and so will his parents.  You could bring sidewalk chalk and begin drawing scenes that can contribute to an adventure. Then take him  through the steps of the adventure, describing each location along the way, and asking how you are going to make it to the next step. Thats a good learning experience for him and super fun. I've done this with a little cousins a lot...and no I'm not that good of a drawer. And this is also like Dora the Explorer. Good Luck

  5. Depends. My 2 year old neice. Likes to watch tv. or run around playing with every single toy.

  6. well you should wear just casual clothes that you can move around and play with the son in like jeans and stuff you just wear to school, you should just be yourself and be friendly.  the child will have toys and activities they like to do so your really don't have to bring anything at all cause they'll have stuff and he will just tell you what he wants to do and personally i think your kinda getting underpaid i usually make $10 an hour.

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