
So, I got into my first car wreck today...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and was heading home from work. I was yielding to people getting off the highway and the person behind me couldn't find the break pedal and just kept on going. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't go forward. That would result in me and another car going 60 mph crashing. I couldn't do anything about it because the horn on that car is broken. Now, I was driving my dad's Corsica from '94 and it's already scratched up everywhere. When it happened, I had no clue what to do. Everything I had learned in driver's ed blew out of my mind. I didn't even think to get a phone number. I forgot where I put my insurance, and just found it in my wallet. Anyway, neither car got scratched. Well, that's from my perspective anyway. Nobody got hurt at all. So, I just told the mom to not worry about it. What are you supposed to do in that situation? What on the insurance card do you exchange, etc.? I haven't told my parents because they'll freak and not let me drive again.




  1. you said you told your mom not to worry about it......isnt she one of the parents that you didnt tell ?get your story straight

  2. You did fine.  Exactly right.  No problem.  Always tell your parents everything you're doing.  You're acting like an immature teenager that can't be trusted.  Don't do that.

    If you just tell them in a mature way, they'll be amazed at how grown up (and not a sniveling, immature teenager) you are, and you'll go way up in status with them.

    Here's the trick - IF they feel like you did a terribly wrong thing, and showed bad judgment, listen to them.  That's where you'll fool them into thinking you're mature.  When you listen and say "I'm sorry I didn't think to do that this time, but I'll do it next time.  It's hard to think clearly at a time like that"

    Try it.  It works.  Act like an adult and they'll treat you like one.

  3. first step, if possible ( or legal in your state ) move the vehicles to the side of the road, call the police. ask the other driver if they are ok. and exchange insurance policy info. this can be as simple as insurance carrier,and policy number ( i.e geico policy number 123456 ). wait for the cop to arrive, and do not accept,or assign guilt to yourself or the other operator,thats the cops job to figure your best to avoid talking to the other operator until police are on scene.cooperate with the cop. in this instance since you were hit, you did nothing wrong. so tell your parents already they cant be mad at you,because you were the one hit,that means also your insurance SHOULDN'T go up.if the ins company tries to raise it, fight it. the cop is trained to handle emergency care if needed and knows how to check the other person,and you out for harm.and will also include in his report, your statement to what happened,their statement, and any bystanders that where there. this will also include the physical condition of the cars,and occupants at that time. once the accident report is filled out an ready, you can take that to your insurance company, and let them take it from there.

  4. in cal. you r still suppost to notify the dmv or the other party can claim u hit them and drove off.

  5. Tell them what happen, understand and do what they say and move on and learn from this, this is the only way to handle this.

  6. No harm, no foul.

    If there is no damage to vehicle or occupants, you've lucked out and you can let it go. But next time you might not be so lucky.

    Since report procedures vary from state to state, just dig out the old driver's manual, and re-read the section.

    Bumps and fender-benders are distressing, and ruin one's day. Be glad it's just a day, and not a life-time.

    Drive defensively, and drive as though other people's lives were in your hands. Because they are....

    Happy trails!

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