
So, I just read Breaking Dawn and it was outstanding!!! What i want to know is if there will be a fifth one?

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Will there be a fifth adition to the Twilight Series?




  1. No there won't be a fifth one. BUT Stephine Meyer did say that she will continue the series from Renesmee's P.O.V. It'll be awesome!!

  2. Breaking Dawn is the last book from Bella's point of view.  But Meyer intends to write a book called Midnight Sun, which tells the events of the first book from  Edward's point of view.  Who knows what she'll come up with after that.

    You know what's weird... someone is putting "thumbs down" on all of the answers in here... I wonder why. -_-;

    Lucifer: that was by far the best answer.  ^^  Seriously, win.

  3. no but there is Twilight from Edward's perspective coming out and its called Midnight Sun

    I cant wait!!


  4. God, I hope not. There's enough bad writing already without Smeyer adding more to the pile.

    I've got a recommendation to hold you over until the next book if she writes one: read a /real/ novel, not bodice-ripper trash.  

  5. Midnight Sun, which is Twilight written from Edward's point of view, is the next book. However, Breaking Dawn is the last book in the saga. Midnight Sun isn't another sequel to it, it's just an addition

    I would love it if there was another book that would continue the story. I think it would be great if there was a book about Edward & Bella's life 100 years later.  

  6. Stephenie has said she doesn't have plans to write more books, but she has also said she may decide to continue the series, but if she does then it will be from Renesme, Jacob, or Leah's point of view. Bella and Edward would be secondary characters because she feels their story has been told.  

  7. no breaking dawn was the last book but stephenie meyer is making another book called midnight sun from edwards p.o.v. from the first twilight book

  8. I must agree that Breaking Dawn was outstanding and amazing, but as for a fifth book, to me the story would be way too dragged out.  BD ended on a happy note and I am contented with knowing that everyone wins, even though it may not be realistic to some.  

  9. Midnight Sun will be the next book. It will be Twilight from Edwarrd's P.O.V. BD is the last book from Bella's perspective, and the last book of the Twilight series. Midnight Sun is just an addition.

    Read the first chapter here:

  10. OMG here:

    Thanks Obidane

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