
So, I would like to know, tell me 5 things you hate.

by  |  earlier

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Go ahead and vent about more if you like.

I just like to hear about people's problems.




  1. -gossipers

    -stupid people

    -insensitive people

    -bad people

    -hypocrisy people

  2. I pretty much agree with Hammer and Johnny.

  3. ignorance,  its only blissful for the ignorant

    traffic, the gas pedals on the right not the left so ******* use it already.

    people who think themselves superior to others based on the size of their bank account.  you might have more money than I but I have true friends, which are priceless

    marajuana laws,  cant law makers open their eyes and stop persecuting pot smokers.  With employers drug testing pot heads cant find employment(stays in the system 30 days or more)while herione, crank and crack heads can p**s clean in two days...

    My ex and all of her bullshit.  Two faced doesnt begin to cover what this broad is capable of and the fact that we have children together makes matters that much worse.  **** her...I did

  4. 1) Jews

    2) Non-whites

    3) Muslims

    4) Race traitors

    5) WIggers

  5. In order:

    5) Asians

    4) Mexicans

    3) Indians

    2) Blacks

    1) Jews

  6. 1-Norwegian Beauty

    2-Cancún beach bum


    4- Johnny

    5- Norwegian Beauty

  7. 1. All these little kids talking about stupid Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez.....who CARES!

    2. stupid people

    3. how crappy the world is becoming

    4. people in general

    5. fat people

  8. 1. Greed

    2. Cynicism

    3. Homophobia

    4. Fear

    5. Hate

    I admit, it's a bit hypocritical to say that you hate hate, but I didn't say I hated hypocrisy, now did I?

  9. 1)Parties for nothing - like Christmas. Every single year it's the same gd thing.  The only reason I see to party is if you win the lottery.

    2)Big cities.  

    3)Social events where you have to pretend you're something that you're not.

    4)People that want marijuana legalized but NOT the real drugs like heroin, oxycontin and coke.  The world would be Tolerable if these drugs were allowed in certain amounts.  IE codeine over the counter in Canada.  Traffic wouldn't even bother you or your boss if we could all take oxy's or perks...

    5)News.  It's the same c**p over and over again, every morning.  






  10. Hmmm....easy!

    I HATE:







    -Ignorance ( not all types though...!)


  11. 1. terrorist

    2. communism

    3. fanatics

    4. every show on mtv

    5. when people get really angry about nothing

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