
So, McCain was lying when he said Obama wasn't experienced enough?

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Obviously, if Palin is experienced enough, then Obama is more than qualified. He'll say anything to be president, won't he?




  1. Obama isn't experienced enough to be President, Vice Presidnet yes.

    Guess Dems missed out with Clinton/Obama ticket


  3. True ignorance at work, please allow me to enlighten you.

    First, Palin is more experienced than Obama, she has executive level experience which Obama lacks completely.

    Second, Palin is running as VP not President. She does not need to be as experienced as the Presidential nominee. Obama, however, is running for the Presidential slot, and has less experience than Palin, who you yourself, have pointed out is not experienced enough to run for President.

    So, to follow your own logic, based solely on experience, you should probably vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. As far as experience goes, the Republican team is the clear winner.

  4. Once again, SHE'S not running for prez!!!!

  5. Was Biden lying when he said Obama wasn't experienced? No  

  6. Who is running for president, and who is running for VP?

    ETA: Nope. She's more qualified than Ohbummer, and he's running for president.

  7. yes  obama  will promis  anything  in  and out of reach  to  be  the  first  black  president  he  and  his  wife  all of  a sudden  love  america  lol

  8. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

    **RESPONSE**  You totally missed my point. My point is that both Palin AND Obama are lacking the necessary experience to be president.

  9. As a Governor, she has actual administrative experienced and is more prepared to be President than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined...  Congressmen have zero administrative experience.  All they do is sit around all day and vote on things.

  10. Yes MaCain was and still is lying. I just saw his commercial calling Obama too inexperienced.

    To compare Sarah's experience running a state that has entirely different problems than we have in the lower states with a U.S. senator's job is ridiculous. She said herself that she doesn't keep up with what is going on in the middle east. And she's going to be the tie breaker vote in the senate?

    McCain just gave the Democrats a gift.

  11. I guess in old age "Commander in Chief" and "Miss Congeniality" kind of blend together.

  12. Actually Palin is more experienced than Obama, so I guess he wasn't telling a lie.

  13. Um, you need to read up a bit more on Palin. She's the governor of Alaska, she was the mayor of a town in Alaska for two-terms. Hmm, seems like she has more experience than Obama.

  14. Palin has executive experience.  Obama is qualified to be a used car salesman.

  15. Palin has ran a state (governor) just like Reagan, Clinton, etc.  Obama or Biden have never ran nothing.  She's brilliant and very qualified.

  16. Yes. He made a liberal politically correct choice by picking a woman with zero experience. What a wonderful liberal politically correct gesture.

    That locked in my vote for BOB BARR.

  17. No he  was right. Obama is not experienced enough to be President, now, if he was Hillary's VP that would be a different story.

  18. Obama isnt HALF the man she is..

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