
So, My Palm Cenro puked out, should I get another centro or a Blackberry Pearl?

by  |  earlier

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A dog more or less attacked my poor month old centro. I enjoyed the centro, but its lack of GPS bothered me a bit.




  1. My personal opinion would be blackberry. I have had nothing but bad experiences with Palm as far as support/function goes. I have a Blackberry enterprise server, support hundreds of Blackberries, and never had a big issue.

  2. ok from my friends and family and doing research myself the blackberry pearl is not a good phone, a few of my friends one especially has had to send her phone back multiple times. So another option would be to go with the blackjack 2 its a great phone both of my brothers have it and it has GPS so it has wat u need, so if you can i would go with the blackjack 2 or get a new cenro

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