
So, ODing on tylenol results in liver damage which equals death, but this can take even days to kick in, and?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes the person just has to suffer along through it until they eventually die.

i wanna know around how likely is it for this to happen?




  1. Tylenol Poisoning is NOT something that occurs quickly. Your body has a very strange way of trying to protect itself. The other comments are true in that, you will become very ill long before you reach dangerous levels of Tylenol poisoning. Your body will begin trying to extract the poison (ie. vomiting),, ALOT... When that fails, your body will begin slowing down or shutting down other functions of the body, to concentrate on protecting the liver. (ie. Muscle cramps, migraine headaches, kidney functions) Once the body gives up on trying to protect the liver, it shuts it down allowing it to die inside your body. Now you have gone into complete Liver Failure. Most people believe they have Hepatitis. Your liver now begins to rott inside you causing blood poisoning throughout your entire body. Now the real pain begins. Your skin turns yellow and you begin to swell to the point you think you are going to explode. (This is no joke) (This process is called jaundice ) Now you cannot eat, drink, or use the bathroom because all o*****e's are swollen shut. Thus comes the feeding tubes, catheters, and breathing tubes. Then the 103 + fever begins, and your body starts the brain damage process. Then you DIE. The actual poisoning process would take a very high dosage consistently for several months, once you can no longer go without medical help, you could be hospitalized for up to a year or longer, providing that you do not die, and undergo a liver transplant, your pain will start all over again, with lifelong results.  

  2. Please call the suicide prevention hotline or reach out to a family member or friend.  No one here is going to give you information on how to hurt yourself.  Please get help!

  3. Over dosing on tylenol is going to make you very very sick. It will not kill you with liver damage/disease. Prolonged use or long term abuse of tylenol will give you liver damage and maybe disease. I have taken too much tylenol on accident for a severe toothache. I took 3 slept woke up took 3 more and did this until I had taken 27 500mg tablets in a period of 9 hours or so. I was not aware of the time frame due to a migraine and having all the lights off...either way I was severely ill. I was vomiting for hours and was in more pain then I started out in. You will not die from this... but if you are looking for a way out, ie suicide please call the suicide hot-linee listed above... there is help out there for you and there are other ways to dealing with your pain than suicide.

  4. Well if you are thinking about trying it, i would strongly advise not doing so. If you OD on tylenol, you are probably going to have something else before you would get liver damage. Like a reaction to that much tylenol, or say having to have your stomach pumped after you knock yourself unconscious, and getting liver damage can take a while of using medicine so likely something bad will happen to you before hand.

    Don't do it.

    Seek help, anyway.  

  5. Why?  Are you looking for a especially painful, prolonged death?  

    If so, perhaps you should call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK and ask them.

  6. Not very unlikely.

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