
So, Obama has a 94 (!) point lead over McCain amongst likely black voters?

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These numbers are according to a recent Rasmussen poll.

In your personal opinion, what factor do you think explains this complete domination by Obama in this voting demographic?

Is it because they REALLY like his monetary policy, or perhaps his foreign policy? Or is it something else? What say you?




  1. Who cares if he has 100% he is not going to get elected,Blacks are voting out of pride and you cant blame them,Forgive them for they do not know what they do.

  2. You're treading on thin ice here, Tom.  Y!A might suspend you for suspicion of pointing out racism.

  3. That dirty little secret no one wants to talk about.  That Barrack Husien Obama is from Kenya.

  4. Funny how a black guy from a poor broken family who made his way through school on scholarships and owns one home is being attacked by a silver-spoon fed Navy brat with 7+ mansions and condos who portrays himself as everyman. How can you be pro life and bomb people? McCain is a sad, hypocritical,

    greedy Republican speaking blatant lies to the world and offers to willingly lay siege to Iraq & Iran and anyone else that gets in the way in the Middle East.

    And why? "Big Oil" and the Republican power brokers run this country. These wealthy & power hungry GOP pigs aren't concerned about being honorable or conservative; they're just full of greed & lust for domination.

  5. So? Kerry got 90%+ of the African American vote.

    Wow, the point of your "question" has just been invalidated. 2 points for me for winning!

  6. Well is certainly isn't race, I can tell you that.  In fact, just for suggesting that black people might have the propensity to be racist tells me that you're racist!!!!

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