
So, Palin doesn't believe in abortion...?

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She says it shouldn't even be performed because of incest, rape, or life-threatening matters.

She doesn't believe in birth control. According to FFL (Feminists For Life...and Palin's main supporting group) the IUD, the pill, and the condom should be outlawed.

She doesn't believe in s*x education. Has spoken out against it, and obviously practices the idea, because her daughter sure doesn't know how to keep her legs closed (quote from a conservative who says that this is the "cure all").

A friend at the ACLU says that while Abortion is a Civil and Constitutional right, birth control is not. They are already gearing up to attack if Palin is put in office.

Is this the woman that YOU want in office?




  1. If what you say about Palin is true, then she most definitely should not be elected. My only question to Palin would be this:

    If you do not believe in s*x ed and contraception, how do you expect to decrease teenage pregnancy?

    Abstinence? We know that is tough order in today's society and it just does not work. Well, in actual fact, any society throughout history. Young people will always have s*x, that's life, they know best at this young age lol. The least we can do is educate our children to have s*x responsibly.

  2. Absolutely not!! She should take a lesson from her daughter and change her opinions on s*x ed and contraception. This woman is absurd.

  3. No I do NOT

    ADD:  Janny you are SO WRONG!  she is against contraceptives.  Here's a link to the actual  FFL website!!

  4. Feminists For LIfe do support contraception. And, yes, she is a woman I want in office. I find it very courageous to accept this opportunity knowing the mud people like you will throw at her family. She loves her daughter & doesn't hide from mean-spirited criticism. Isn't it interesting that the liberals who always call the Republicans "judgemental" are the first to throw stones at this poor child?  Shame on you!

  5. Birth Control should be outlawed? What the heck? Prevention is better than cure(abortion). I would think she would support preventing unwanted pregnancies if she hated abortion.  

  6. yes she is. It's a shame your life wont amount to much.

  7. Good, that makes me even more supportive.  If a woman gets raped, it isn't the child's fault! I do think she should be supportive of s*x ed, because kids (obviously) need to know that s*x makes babies.I can understand why she is against the pill, condom, etc, because that isn't natural, and makes it so the egg can't even be fertilized.  I don't agree with that, but am not opposed to her beliefs.  I support her.  

  8. 1.2 million abortions ayear

    more abortions than the number of people who dies from cancer and heart disease combined.

    When abortion becomes a form of birth control, that is a problem

    Did your friend also tell you that is a female is raped and goes to seeks medical attention within the 1st 72 hours, doctors can advise her of the risk of becoming pregant and if requested can steps to minimize the person being raped becoming pregnant.

    Along with the right to choose with a womens's body is the responsibility to do the right thing., seel medical help

  9. No if it was up to her everyone would be having children all the time.. just because SHE has five kids doesn't mean I want five kids

  10. I don't like that woman. Mccain chose her out of desperation.

    Restricting civil rights for anyone is ridiculous.

  11. No its cool...Obama himself says only a sleezy lowlife would talk about such knock yourself out.


  12. My fear at this point is that McSenile, or rather his less stupid advisers, will realize what a disaster Palin is to his campaign, and dump her for a real candidate.  

  13. Yes, because pro-choice feminism you advocate has aborted and entire Generation of kids and left us with no one to pay the taxes on the broken down social security system that you liberals also invented.  

  14. What's really fascinating is their statement today that praised their daughter's "decision" to keep the baby.

    From CNN:

    "Sarah and her husband, Todd Palin, issued a statement saying they are 'proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents.'"

    Stop the train, folks. Read that paragraph again.

    Did Sarah Palin, hero of the ultra conservatives, opponent of all abortions and birth control, just imply that she would have let her daughter make a choice regarding whether to abort or not?

    Things that make you go "hmm?"

  15. its true we shouldnt kill babies it murder all that stuff is ruining life  

  16. Vice Presidents have NO say NO voting rights over such issues so this really is a noting question.  ONLY the Justices who are nominated by the President (if there is a seat to fill) have any judicial say.

    And right now our bench is full and split on the abortion issues.

  17. common ?

    EITHER candidate is so much better that slick will OR lil "w" !!!

    can't you do better than that?

    knock it off with the attacks on BOTH candidates, and

    stick to REAL issues, OK ?????

    the ACLU has come to defense of too many communists for me to care anymore

  18. No, she is not the woman I want as VP.

  19. Nope. I prefer keeping closed minds and uneducated human beings out of office.

  20. i heard a report said that one of his youngest " daughter" is her granddaughter actually.

    that's prove her point definitely...

  21. She forced her daughter to have a kid.

    "Honey, I'll stand behind you and say it's mine."

    Palin thinks she's in a soap opera.  She's a fraud.

  22. Sounds good to me.  Maybe we'll finally get someone in office with enough guts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

  23. She is not against birth control.  Where you people get that I have no idea.  Nobody is going to take away the pill or condoms!  We certainly don't want to have to support more babies that are unwanted or have to pay for the medical care of those who contract an STD.  She doesn't believe in s*x education in 4th grade!  Neither do I.  It should be up to the family not the school.  

    Your friend at the ACLU who says abortion is a right but birth control is not?  Well taking an aspirin is not a constitutional right either but that doesn't mean you can't do it.  Maybe you should think a little harder before you go off on a rant.

  24. I've corrected you on this before.

    She is Christian and pro-life, but also a supporter of birth control: she's a member of Feminists For Life (FFL), an anti-abortion, pro-contraception organization.

  25. i disagree with it. its a womans right.

    and kids need to be taught about sexual education.

  26. Why do you keep repeating lies


  28. if this is true then she is truly just ignorant.  ban condoms?  oh great.  I bet she doesn't believe in other things either, like AIDS or North Korea.

  29. Yes, I do want her in office.

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