
So, What are your plans this weekend?

by Guest67123  |  earlier

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I'm sailing in my make believe, 40 foot sail boat. LOL




  1. Am spending it outside with friends. It's been a long winter.

  2. I'm taking my son to Legoland!

    Whhooo hoooo..................Not!

    Did you know it costs £36 for an adult and £26 for a child?

    Better be bloody good for that!  lol

  3. Write a sociology paper and spend time with the family! Maybe yard and garden work if it is nice! Hope it is! Have a good weekend yourself, Bob!

  4. I'm off to a 60th birthday party on Saturday. Should be a good bash.

  5. Absolutely Sweet FA this weekend !!

  6. Look around when you set sail, I'll be sitting on the bow! Or what's the name of the point at the front? Naw, I've got a family reunion of sorts. I'll be seeing so many family members I haven't seen for years...that's the good part. I just hope everyone has aged equally cuz some I haven't seen since high school!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  7. going jetsking at the lake

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