
So, all this tax we pay in England is for no real reason then, regarding climate change?

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So, all this tax we pay in England is for no real reason then, regarding climate change?




  1. The reason for all the taxes is to fund the bloated expense accounts of all our poor politicians

  2. apart from gov slush funds and to prop up all these pig ignorant yanks who constantly brag about how they pay and do nothing about it , no it does nothing

  3. Seems a lot of people have no desire to pay tax of any kind, yet in the same breath demand that governments do more for them. To run a government costs money. If you want government services expect to pay taxes. If you really believe that public servants don't earn their pay, I suggest you become one and see how the other half live. You may find that its not really your cup of tea. Try teaching in a govt school, or nursing on a public hospital, or doing foot patrols as a copper in a rough neighbourhood, or serving in a war zone, all done by public servants!

    Stop bitching about how much tax you pay. You(collectively) elected your government, and you can change it if you don''t like the way it spends your money. It will respond to public demands, so if enough people want better cheaper public transport they will invest in it, but with a limited budget, what should they stop spending money on? Or they raise taxes.

    As to will it stop global warming? By itself not at all, but as a step in the right direction, yes, and as a message to others, yes, and as a partner with the rest of Europe its a good idea.

    And how dare some suggest that developing countries whose per capita carbon footprint remains a tiny fraction of that of developed nations and who historically have had almost zero impact, should be the first to forgo poverty eleviation so that developed nations can continue to squander resources. The real trouble is that the size of the carbon footprint of the average Brit is unsustainable globally. Yet how can you say, well you are: Indian/Chinese/Tibetan/Nigerian/etc so you are not allowed to produce as much C02 as me, because I'm a Brit./American/German/etc.

    Everyone's foot print has to come down to what is sustainable, and the Chinese and Indians have not come up to that level on a per capita basis yet.   And if the developed world refuses to reduce its levels of C02 production, why should those who have not caused the problem reduce theirs, when theirs is already way way lower?

    (Per person)

  4. its government greed plain and simple, if oil ran out tomorrow and hydrogen cells were widely available, you can bet your last chip they would tax them the same, making all their claims of "green policies" the bloody nonsense they are.

    in any case, with all the developing countries doing whatever they like making our pathetic policies a waste of time, its like throwing yourself off the 30th floor intead of the 60th, same result but not such a climb.

  5. The clue is in the phrase "global warming".  Global means the whole planet so the whole planet must get together to tackle the problem.

    Unfortunately, there is not the political will to do this at the moment.  Nations still think in the national interest!

    I think it would be helpful if America could take a lead on this one!  Why would developing countries such as China, India and others, make cuts in their emmissions, while the USA increases theirs?

    To answer the question!

    England is a small country.  Our pollution accounts for about 2% of global emmissions.  Even if we reduced this to zero, it would not make any significant difference to the world as a whole!  

    Our government knows this, but introduces "green" measures anyway, so that it looks like they are doing something, in response to the very real concerns most of us have.

    The trouble is the only "green" policy they seem to have is to increase the tax we pay on things that cause pollution,  the idea being that we then use less of them!

    Take cars for example.  If they were serious about reducing emmissions, they would use the tax to invest in public transport, so that it wasn't dirty, unreliable, inconvenient and expensive!  Then we would have an alternative to use.  

    They don't do this though, we keep driving and they keep taking the money!  A recent report said that car use has fallen by less than 1% in spite of petrol costing about £5 ($10) a gallon!

    Anyway, this is turning into a bit of a rant, so I'd better stop there!

    I'm sure you get the picture!

  6. Green taxes are just another way of fleecing tax payers in order to top up those greedy MP's pensions.

    Nothing to do with 'saving the planet'.

  7. If you would have come over to America than you would not have had to wory about those taxes

  8. nothing what so ever to do with climate change

    its to carry the people with a bunch of degenerate kids who are a waste of space and who are bringing the world down

    England used to be one of the greatest nations once upon a time

    look at the kids it produces now

    and guess who's tax money is paying for their upkeep....

  9. Yes, you are being scammed.  That is why there's resistance in the United States about paying "carbon credits" because there is no link between man's activities and the weather.  And any of the proposed "carbon taxes" will only serve to make a few people and private investors very rich.  There is no clearinghouse or regulatory body for this tax, they just want you to write a check and send to them without any accountability.

  10. Maybe it's going to pay for all of your fabulous 'free' medical care. We in the States are always hearing about it.

  11. Of course.....we in the UK have far fewer cars than the US yet we pay 3x as much for out petrol/diesel. 65% of our fuel prices goes in tax. If ALL of Britain's cars were taken off the road tomorrow, the effect on the world's CO2 emissions would be negligible but the government insists on taxing us to the hilt. A money-making exercise...nothing else.

  12. YES. There is climate change but not for the reasons they tell us.

    It's all to distract the public from the real issues like; taxes, pensions, schools, hospitals the economy. Carbon trading ? don't make me laugh. -someones making money out of it [CT].

    Politicians always lie -well most of the time- why should we believe them now?  Constitution referendum anyone?

  13. I believe you are correct, inspite of additional tax on fuel for our cars and homes there is little evidence that this is being used for anything other than the usual ways that Govt waste money. Notice that no potential government ever says "We promise to look into why taxes are so high and honestly aim to revise the regime to make everyone better off". This is because it could upset the status quo, when the idea is to keep us in our place.

  14. i guess

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