
So, do you think the government should make a "Muslim" registry?

by  |  earlier

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Since being Muslim or having Muslim ties is pretty much like having a felony on your records, perhaps America should create a special registry of Muslims... like they do with felons and s*x offenders...

That way, the good white people of America will feel safe...

I mean since even being on "suspicion of being Muslim" is pretty much a disqualification from public office...

And maybe after a few years into the next presidency, we can tattoo the letter "M" on Middle Eastern and other "Muslim Related" people's foreheads... and a few year after that make them move into special areas to maintain security... and then maybe move them to even SMALLER areas... and then maybe start exterminating them...

I'm a frog that is starting to feel cooked...

Note: And I'm not even Muslim... I'm an Atheist from a Muslim family... I live in a predominantly Muslim community...




  1. No there should not be a registry..but unfortunately Joe, the Muslim community is facing what the african community faced for hundreds of years. Though i hope that this will quickly pass unlike the latter... The good news is that the world is much more open minded then it was 100 years ago and this will pass much quicker..

  2. wtf is wrong with you. Are you high or just mentally ill? that's ******* racist. believe it or not, muslims and middle easterners have one of the lowest crime rate in the U.S. when have you ever seen a muslim done a crime in the u.s. And i mean in front of your eyes, 9/11 doesn't count. I'm muslim, and lol you no what, I'm really not mad about you asking this question, i pity you, really. i feel sorry for your ignorance.  

  3. No it would be against the freedom of religion amendment.  

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