
So, do you want to read a "hillbilly" joke?

by  |  earlier

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Three-piece city guy is sick of paying high pork prices. He decides to go out to the country pig farm and buy the whole pig. He's very suspicious of everyone!

So, he finds the pig farm and speaks to the farmer. The farmer says that he can fix him right up and leads him to the pigs. The city guy chooses one, and asks the farmer how much it weighs. The farmer grabs the pig and bites its tail. He says that the big weighs 120 lbs. The city guy chooses a smaller one and asks how much. Again the farmer grabs the pig and bites its tail. He says the pig weighs 112 lbs.

The city guy, at this point, says he doesn't believe you can weigh a pig simply by biting its tail. The farmer turns to his son and tells him to go get his mother. The boy runs to the house to get his mother. The farmer explains to city guy that it's common practice to weigh the pigs that way...pigs won't stand still on the scale.

The son comes back to the farmer and says, "Mom can't come right now, she's weighing the mail man."




  1. So, does it work on non-hillbillies too? ;)

  2. thats no not funny...


    but I laffed :P

  3. This is a dumb joke.

  4. lol

    that was funny

    have a star!!!

  5. Ha Ha Ha ..........Thumbs up.  I hope you don't mind me copy and pasting. I know a few other people that will get a charge out of this one.

  6. thats a good un'. god bless the hill billys!!!

  7. Funny.  : )

  8. nice

    u from texas?

  9. Love it , emailed it to all my family, we send jokes everyday and sometimes they are lame but it is sure a  good way to start your day , coffee and a smile!

  10. lmao... not that funny

  11. lol

  12. Cute joke :)

  13. hahaha:-)

    it's alright.

    made me laugh.

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