
So, does McCain's choice of a female V.P. with young children given new meaning to the word "liberal"?

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Sarah Palin




  1. No.

  2. Hardly. It is so obvious his "people" went down the list of female Republicans. Picked one that wasn't threatening and would do as she was told. This is almost sickening. Take a good look at her. Do you really think this woman could hold the office if something (very likely)  happened to McCain? He has nothing and she has even less.

  3. No he is using the same old "superficial".

    I can't wait until he pisses her off with some sexist remark and the press are grilling her while she defends him through clenched teeth and the vein on her neck popping out.

    Rove has made a HUGE error. THAT is the funniest part of all.

    (I wonder if he did it to McCain on purpose...tee hee hee)  

  4. No... she's married.

  5.   Not exactly !  Liberals will have the children whether they can afford them or not.  The Palins are conscientious parents who are pro life, and have children on the basis of affording to have them.

    Do you see the difference?  Is it sinking in ?

  6. Poor politics.

    They just are making is too obvious that they feel they must

    capture Hillary's supporters. I sure hope the Hillary supporters are

    smart enough to see that somebody is trying to sucker them.


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