
So, federer left the olympic village cause fans bothered him, thoughts???

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what do you think of that?




  1. Not fans apparently, they're not allowed in.

    It's the "fellow olympians" he's so keen on avoiding, I don't get it though, Djokovic is clearly enjoying being a total fan-boy taking photos with Yao Ming and Kobe Bryant, Nadal is holding up fine, and so are the rest of the athletes who are just as popular as he is, disappointing behaviour on his part.

  2. I don't blame him. That was the reason Michael Jordan and company did not stay in the Olympic village in 1992. People thought they were being snubs, but you have to be realistic.

  3. Wow is this true! The pressure must be getting to 'gentleman' Federer!

    Nah seriously I don't know why he is staying in the village anyway-I Bet Mirka isn't happy!

  4. I have no problem with that.  Like Federer, Serena Williams decided from staying at Athlete's Village.  This is what she had to say,

    "I was bombarded with lots of people," she said. "It was a lot. I can't count. But it was cool, I guess."

    Hardly a fun place to hang out at IMO.

  5. Yeah, well i think he`s missing out on the full olympics experience its every 4years you`d think he would have stayed in the Village like many of the other top players to name a few Rafa ;) Novak, Ferrer,...etc Obviously its his choice and he`s opted for the 5 star hotel but i think in my opinion should have stayed at the village. His exscuse was theres ``too many people hassling me for photos`` Ok he is Roger Federer and everyone respects him such a top athlete, but Rafa is just as famous he has been hassled to by all the other athlets,reporters....and so on yet he still takes the time to deal with them all. Nadal is really living the experience, i heard the commentators say ``he is like a little boy in a candy shop`` Also Rafa said in his interview he is loving his time in the village even though its a little strange to what he`s use to. Not only Nadal, but Serena and even that Cocky Serb Novak will be getting hassled by everyone its the price u pay for being famous. Well at the end of the day Federer made his choice, maybe its mirka lol wanting to stay in a flashy hotel no way would she be staying in a scrawny wee village haha! And who knows if Roger will be playing at Olympics in 4years........ maybe he`s missed his chance to do something like that again.

    However im sure at one point roger has stayed in the village 4 years ago, i think he did.... but then he lost early to Berdych maybe he`s hoping staying in a hotel will bring him luck this time seeing as he lost whilst staying at the village haha duno

  6. I think its good for him, because he can keep his mind on the game, and its good for other athletes because they dont have to deal with the media around him.

    Its not that big of a deal that hes not in the olympic, neither are the basketball players

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