
So, have they actually 100% confirmed water existing on Mars? I saw a video clip showing disappearing flakes..

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It looked to me like it was just different times of the day when they flipped the picture back & forth, with different angles & changes in shadow.




  1. No not yet they haven't.

  2. It may be ice of some kind sublimating over time when exposed to mars atmosphere.That does not make it water ice!

  3. Without the link, I can't say for sure.  I have seen such photos before.  In fact, after one of the first landers several years ago.  It was carbon dioxide frost.  So who is claiming that it is water frost?

    As far as I know, they have confirmed water ice in the polar regions.  That was several months ago.

    I don't know why anybody gets so excited about the prospect of finding miniscule amounts of water on Mars, anyway.  It's the second most abundant compound in the universe.  I'm confident that there's a certain amount of water on every planet and moon in the solar system, which has any volatiles at all.

  4. They proved there once was water on Mars. Spirit the rover that was sent about 4 years ago landed near an ancient ocean shore.

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