
So, how deep of a hole are the KOS kids digging along with other leftists saying Palin faked being pregnant?

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So, how deep of a hole are the KOS kids digging along with other leftists saying Palin faked being pregnant?




  1. Thank you for posting this.  I hope that whoever started these rumors is taken to task.  Has Yahoo Answers turned into the halls of a high school?  I find this unsubstantiated rumor to rank in the lowest of the lows.  There are dozens of pictures of Sarah on the internet if people take the time to look for them instead of jumping into a sea of gossip.  Does anyone care what a rumor like this will do to her oldest daughter?  By the way, there are dozens of pictures of her oldest daughter on the internet too.  None of which show a pregnant teenager.

    A rumor was started on my friend when we were 16.  She left school for an hour to see her new born baby sister at the hospital.  Let me tell you, the rumors that began caused her extreme pain.  It has been many years, but she still talks about it today.  Please help stop these smears.  Thank you for your efforts.  Taken from Anchorage Daily News

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    Trig Paxson Van Palin was born at 6:30 a.m. April 18, 2008 and weighs six pounds, two ounces

    Gov. Palin gives birth to son Trig


    Published: April 18th, 2008 02:52 PM

    Last Modified: April 18th, 2008 03:42 PM

    Gov. Sarah Palin gave birth to her fifth child at 6:30 this morning at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, her spokeswoman said today

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    The boy's name is Trig Paxson Van Palin. He's 6 pounds, 2 ounces.

    "The governor's labor began while she was in Texas, and I do know that she got on a plane and landed in Anchorage late last night," said Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

    Leighow said the governor and her son are healthy and resting comfortably today.

    The baby wasn't due until May 18. "It was quite a surprise," Leighow said.

    Palin and her husband, Todd, had been in Texas since Tuesday for a Republican Governors Association convention, Leighow said.

    The Palin family issued a statement that read: "Trig is beautiful and already adored by us. We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives.


    "We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed."

    Asked what special challenges the family was referring to, Leighow said, "It's a family matter, and that information should come from the governor herself."

    Like the rest of Alaskans, Leighow said, she learned the baby's name today.

    She said she'll have to find out where "Trig" came from. As for "Paxson," Leighow said that Todd Palin -- a hard-core snowmachiner who has won multiple Iron Dog races -- said it related to the tiny Alaska community of Paxson north of Glennallen, a favorite destination of snowmachiners.

    Both the parents "think it's a beautiful part of the state," Leighow said.

    Earlier this year, Palin joked to a Daily News reporter that "we've always liked the middle name Van because, you know, growing up in the '80s, Van Palin would be a really cool name."

    Palin was scheduled to sign a bill into law tomorrow at a Lions Club convention. That appearance has been canceled.

  2. it's an old LBJ trick...getting the accused to deny it is the goal...kinda like Karl/John and the black love child in 2000

  3. I felt that way when the Enquirer broke the Edwards story too.

  4. What's been shown so far is that Sarah Palin is not the mother but the grandmother.  I'm still reserving judgement.

    But what's been proven is that McCain chose Palin for VP with very little research.  Guess you're too young to remember Tom Eagleton, seems like EVERY VP candidate would undergo intense scrutiny since then and there would be immediate documentation showing Sarah Palin was the mother for the questions brought up.

  5. The hole they are digging for themselves is deep as h**l, literally...!

  6. when debunked, Obama is through..simple as that.

  7. No deeper than the crazy Right wingers claiming Obama is from Kenya!

    I love the sudden outrage against smears.  Let me cry some crocodile tears...

  8. they might not be able to ever recover

  9. any deeper and they may smell sulfur.

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