
So, how long before the fry actually look like fish?

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I have a pair of African Convict Cichlids that have bred yet again, however, this time the fry are almost three weeks old, trying to eat flake food on their own, and very free swimming. I'm glad their parents haven't eaten them yet! LOL. Anyway, I was wondering - at about what age do cichlid fry begin to look like cichlids and not like tiny tadpoles?

I've had to isolate the one other cichlid because, as per usual, he got beaten up. Now he's in my hospital tank and medication has begun. Anyway, yeah.. how long before my fry look like fish?




  1. A good friend of mine has a school of African Cichlids in her aquarium, I love going over to her house and looking at the youngins! From watching her cichlids mature, I would say they should start to resemble the parents in about another month or two. I know my friends fish grew pretty fast, as long as they hid good and didn't get eaten.

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