
So, how was your first day of school ?

by Guest45251  |  earlier

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does it rate a pass or fail and why ?




  1. It was all Okay.

  2. my first day of school is tomorrow.


    -dies of an anxiety attack

  3. Rubbish - I'm new so everyone's already in their little groups. If I tried to speak to anyone they'd be nice but you could kind of tell they weren't really bothered or making an effort and would just walk off eventually with their friends.

    So, yeah, rubbish really...

  4. it was better than expected.

    - i have lunch with my friends

    - i have two really fun art classes

    - my AP classes are okay

    - overall the students in my classes are nice

    a couple bad things:

    - my crush isn't in my classes :(

    - no one is in my 5th pd. i feel like a loner

  5. Rather boring. We had an assembly for 40 minutes, each class (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors) went over some things they need to accomplish over the school year, and we went to our home rooms for about an hour and a half.

  6. My grandma took me to the school and all teachers welcomed her and all said they will take care of me

    It was certainly my passing because since then i was singing at prayer time

  7. My first day of school i was late and some other kids were late and got a lunch detention. Two more times were late a 1hr after school detention.  

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