
So, how was your sophmore year?

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So, how was your sophmore year?




  1. h**l...pure h**l!

  2. Not very eventful. I only had one class that was difficult (but all my junior classes took a LOT of time), no gf, and I wasn't on a sports team. Basically everything happened junior year.

  3. filled with endless nights of studying and assignments and no sleep

  4. good. i had friends, grades, and my first boyfriend and second that summer. all in all it was a great year.  

  5. IT was alright

    it could have been better but is was fun

    I should have studied more!!!!!!!!  

  6. Filled with nights of staying up until 2:30 am to wake up at 5:30 for studying, homework, cramming, papers, projects, and everything else.

    And come the last three months, it was testing, testing, and nothing but one test after the other.

    I'm glad it's over.  

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