
So, i just went vegetarian ..?

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what are some good foods i should try?!

thank yoooou (:




  1. You should try vegatable stirfry mixed with tofu its awsome

  2. go to the veggie area in your food store & chose a few that you might like. freash veggies are a good choise.

      your store should have things like veggie burgers, sausage, and other food for the veggie at heart. but be warned that these veggie foods are kinda costley side.  good luck & think thin:-) & healthy :-)

  3. really cool that you're going vegetarian.

    I would recommend trying as many different kinds of vegetables as you can, whenever I'm convinced I don't like something (like broccoli) I plan a meal around it and I realize I love it.

    Nutritional yeast is really delicious and the good kinds have B vitamins.  Braggs liquid aminos is an extra nutritional and low salt version of soy sauce.

    Some of my favorite meals are-

    quesadillas made from tortillas, refried beans, vegetables, nutritional yeast, and spices.

    beans and rice and broccoli, with braggs, olive oil and lemon juice.

    sweet potatoes and kale, with almonds, carrots, and whatever condiments.

    tomato soup made from chunky canned tomatoes, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, sometimes a little sugar and balsamic vinegar, with peanut butter melted in at the last minute.

    I've gotten millions of recipes from where people post and rate vegetarian/vegan recipes.

  4. spagetti..... yumyum

  5. I would visit a local bookstore,and find a guide on how to make the transition healthy. These are some of the best veggies too cook with in my opinion. Also listed are other foods you might want to try in order to expand your diet,and get plenty of nutrients. And you're not bored to death with just a plain salad.










    Black Olives


    Bell Peppers




    Corn on the Cob








    Other Important Foods:

    Black Beans

    Kidney Beans

    Chick Peas


    Brown Rice

    Seeds (sunflower)


    Peanut Butter

  6. Well, I am a vegetarian and I don't eat meat or fish. Anything breathing is off-limits for me. :) You can eat anything made by Boca or Morning Star but that is nowhere near all there is. Those are just 2 of my favorite brands. If you like ribs, the best vegetarian ribs I have found are Gardenburger BBQ Riblets (veggie riblets) These taste exactly like ribs. I just became a vegetarian 2 years ago. (I am 14) I thought becoming a vegetarian would be hard but I have found it extremely easy.

    Be careful when looking for soups. Most of them are made with chicken stock. A good veg friendly soup is Progresso Light Italian-Style Vegetable (or any other veggie based Progresso.)

    If you know where to look, there is a veggie substitute for any food. I personally like Cedar Lake Vegi-Scallops.

    I hope this has helped you a bit. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or want more suggestions! Good luck. :)


  7. Although eating lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains is indeed healthy, the human body isn't made to be exclusively vegetarian.  There are nutrients that you need that don't come from plant sources.  Now, you can survive a long time on only plant foods, but to achieve optimum health, you need to include some healthy meats like fish, chicken, etc.  Unfortunately, most of the meat in our grocery stores is contaminated with antibiotics, hormones, and preservatives.  

    I personally love fruit.  I eat lots of it.  I eat most of my food raw.  But I cook all my meat.  I have a great salmon recipe.  I avoid almost all commercially prepared "foods", with some exceptions.  I shop in the produce section of the grocery store.  

    I'll give you my salsa recipe.

    1 can organic tomato sauce

    two handfuls grape tomatoes

    10 mini sweet peppers

    1/4 of a sweet onion

    2 or 3 cloves of crushed garlic

    1 or 2 jalapenos (or other hot peppers)  

    juice from a lime

    1T apple cider vinegar

    1T horseradish

    5-10 sprigs of cilantro

    up to 5 sprigs of parsley

    sprinkle on some cumin, coriander, paprika, and maybe some oregano and rosemary.  

    Put it in a food processor and let it chop to your desired fineness.  Enjoy with some corn chips.

    Use the food nature has provided with wisdom and prudence.

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