
So, if judges and the police are not to be trusted, do you trust any authority?

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I mean if you won't trust the people who actually have access to evidence to make judgements, who do you trust??




  1. Not anymore I dont.

  2. Considering what power and money can do, I trust not one of them....

  3. No

  4. h**l no.   I don't even trust myself.

  5. Me,and no one else,least of all something that doesn't exsist,thats even more stupid.


  7. Laws are for the poor, to keep them in line.

    The rich have a free pass.....just ask O.J., Paris Hilton and the rest.

  8. well i supose we have to trust them really

  9. My friend is a police officer and a good one. I fully trust him to not write me out a ticket when he pulls me over for speeding.

  10. Trust but verify.  Especially concerning those in positions of power.

  11. To be honest, I don't trust any of them!

  12. Trust no-one.

    Place your reliance on God.

  13. i trust all people who witness if any or just painfully trust any authority because you have no one to lean on

  14. NO ONE in that category! Why don't you trust your parents?

  15. I guess it depends on how you live your life.  If you believe in Jesus, and read the bible, the bible says that all in authority are to be obeyed, as they are placed there by God.  Many are corrupt, or pervert justice, but they will be judged, and they will be judged more harshly because they abused the authority given them.  Personally, I put my trust in God.

  16. It is obvious that we trust those who are in authority/power.  We vote them in, let them write laws to govern us, let them higher people who watch over us, protect us, and apprehend us if we break the law.  We may disagree if we are getting a traffic ticket, or if a cop shoots an alleged criminal.  We may disagree with an economic policy or a decision to go to war.  We can vote them in or out.  We are free (within constraints that we choose) and we can run for office or become a law officer or judge.  Remember, all who have power over us are really no different than us.

  17. A notice in a shop window said "In God we trust. Everyone else pays cash" That sums it up for me also


    You mean people such as this. And in this case we are not even allowed to know who they r.

    Obviously some r more trustworthy than others.

    R judges and police not human!!!!!

    David.W - I do!!!! when all else fails.

  19. I currently live in Wisconsin and the police here have a bad rap in the public relations dept.

    Last year in Crandon, WI (made national news) a deputy killed 6 teenagers out of jealousy.

    The same year a police officer in Stevens Point, WI ran a red light and killed an 18 year old college student, and then portrayed her to be a punk kid, which was not the case.  She was a friend of one of my friends.

    Same year, a police officer From Wausau, WI tried to kill his wife by unbuckling her seatbelt and then ran into a concrete barrier on a bridge.

    So, you tell me, should we really trust those who kill those they are supposed to protect?  Should we trust those who kill innocents and then try to cover it up?

    No!  It'll be a cold day in h**l before I surrender in any way or fashion to the police for whatever reason

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