
So, if mosquitoes are beneficial, are skunks?

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I've often wondered about this because we have a lot of skunks in our area--even had one die under our house--PHEW!!!!! I certainly can't think of anything they're good for, but there probably is something--you know "God don't make no junk!"




  1. Skunks are beneficial to farmers, gardeners, and landowners because they feed on large numbers of agricultural and garden pests

    They like to eat soooo many things like mice, moles. rats, birds and their eggs.  Skunks also eat fruits, nuts, garden crops, and scavenge on garbage, birdseed, and pet food which sometimes get homeowners in trouble.

    Skunks will also roll caterpillars on the ground to remove the hairs before eating them.  I saw a skunk do this and then researched it.  

  2. All creatures, big and small, are beneficial to us.  Even those we do not even know about yet are part of the balance of life.  We may not think the passenger pigeon or the dodo bird make any difference but they do, we just may not know how they affects us.  That doesn't mean we need to tolerate skunks in our house or black widows in our bathrooms.That's why relocation is the green thing to do with unwanted creatures.

  3. "Skunks benefit people by eating mice, rats, roaches, yellow jackets, grubs, beetles, and many other pests. They do not eat bulbs or flowers, but sometimes may dig in a garden looking for cutworms and other garden insects."

  4. Yes because the eat pests.

  5. Skunks have their place in the ecosystem just as any other native animal does.

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