
So, if u wanna study the paranormal or parapsychology rather, u cant get a degree for it?

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So, if u wanna study the paranormal or parapsychology rather, u cant get a degree for it?




  1. There are no real accredited degrees in the world for those two as far as I'm aware.  You're better of choosing a field of valid science as a basis and then studying the paranormal from there.  Accepted science as a basis for your investigations is far more important than going through a diploma mill or crackpot university.

    If they claim to be accredited I would ask a lot of questions about the basis of the accreditation before plonking down any money.

  2. Nope.  There are places you can go like the American Ghost Society that can help to educate you or the International Ghost Society.  But there are no degrees involved.   Just a lot of experience from other people who work in the field.

  3. Yes, you can obtain a degree in parapsychology.

    The following universities offer them.

    Lund University (Sweden)

    Utrech University (Netherlands)

    University of Adelaide (Australia)

    University of North Hampton (England)

    LiverPool Hope University (England)

    University of Hertfordshire (England)

    University of Edinburgh (England)

    In the United States only one accredited university (Franklin Pierce University) offers a minor in parapsychology with a bachelors in psychology.

    There are also numerous training opportunities outside of the academic setting such as the Rhine Research Center and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

    All that said most people working in the field of parapsychology today have their PhD in a traditional field of science (psychology, engineering, physics, medicine).

    I have included a link to the professional association for people working in parapsychology (Parapsychological Association) below.

    What you pursue your education in depends on what approach you wish to take to study psi abilities and which psi abilities you want to study. For example psychokinesis has been mainly studied by engineers and physicist  while ESP is mainly studied by psychologist.

    Also, many universities at the PhD level will allow your dissertation to be on a parapsychology subject. Perhaps the most famous is that of Carl Jung who did his dissertation on the "psychological study of a trance medium"


  4. Well, yes and no. There's like a handful of accredited universities in the world that will give you a degree in parapsychology. None in the US. It's not widely thought of as a real science, which is why you won't find it taught anywhere except for a few exceptions.

  5. No, there are no accredited degrees offered in the US for the paranormal or parapsychology.  But if you want to study it, you can always get a science degree and choose whatever you want to do research in.  You'll need a PhD (a research degree), probably in either psychology or physics.  Then you can study whatever you want, as long as you have a source of funding.  But find out how to do science first.

  6. Yes, you can.  But this is a secret thing, you know...

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