
So, im getting a Colonic Irrigation tomarrow at 4:00 p.m has anyone ever had one?

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what do you think i can exprect for this experience. Will it make me lose weight? will i feel better? can anyone help me and tell me what i will expect from this. even tho my doctor told me i would feel comfortable if someone has doen it before. any little helps.

Thank you all for your serious answers :)




  1. Sad, really.  (What sort of "doctor" would recommend this nonsense?)  You may lose a little weight.  Unfortunately, you won't lose any FAT - the weight you lose will be right back in a few days.

    Why in the heck would you want to do this??  It is silly nonsense - it has NO health benefit and is potentially dangerous!  It is embarrassing and humiliating (take off your underwear, now stick your bare a$$ up in the air so we can ram this hose up there!)  

    If you are smart, you should CANCEL this useless idiotic nonsense IMMEDIATELY.

  2. Hi Pam, I have had many colonics myself and they are very relaxing. You will lose some weight but do not do this for that reason. A colonic is to flush out the colon. Colonics can be very expensive and one is not enough. They should be in a series of 3 to 5. You can get similar results by taking enemas at home by using different positions. Good luck.

  3. I do my own at home and save money.  A couple times a year is all you need.  Go to drug store and get the douche bag and the solution or some just use warm salt water.

        You can clean your colon out and help to detoxify yourself.

      the older you are and never done this the more beneficial it will be.   Good luck

  4. It is good to go for colonic irrigation for colon cleansing once in a while but not too often.

    However, take note of some of the side effects of colon colon cleansing at:

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