
So, in a nutshell, what are the chances of there really being parallel universes and things existing in other?

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  1. Nutshells are not part of any theory.

  2. I would say about 84.8 % of it being true and Erwin your almost as geeky as I am :-)

  3. I don't know. But it would be really cool if other Universes existed. Can you imagine?

  4. There are a multitude of theories right now that allow for multiple universes to exist.

    Just to list a few, brane theory, certain kinds of string theory, and certain interpretations of quantum mechanics.

    You really can't put a percentage answer on this question, there really is not a way to know.

    Addressing the "Dimensions?" yes there could be other dimensions if you follow string thoery, while the majority of theories stick with the standard 4, all a dimension is is a way to determine where an object is. 1 dimension for objects on a line for instance you only need to know up and down the line to be able to find an object, 2 dimensions you only need to know its x and y co-ordinates, 3 dimensions, x, y, z co-ordinates, and 4 dimensions x, y, z co-ordinates and a time to look for the object.

    However, we can still imagine or draw higher dimensional shapes, for instance there is a famous geometric figure with 80 dimensions.

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