
So, in about 10 years when Obama's daughters ?

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get knocked up, what are all the dems and libs going to say then?




  1. Hey stupid, the reason a teen gets pregnant is for attention or a breakdown of the family.....

    the obamas are a real family---not lead by a momzilla who abandoned her infant four days after birth....and now her teen.  palin has a bachelors in JOURNALISM....she knew what she was putting her daughter up to---what a poor excuse for a mother.

  2. do we really want to go there?

  3. Since Obama isn't trying to push abstinence only education on other teens, who's going to care?

  4. Nothing since we will never know it- Abortion remember- even late term- even born alive- just let them die.  (inconvenient).

  5. Well if their dad gets elected and nominates pro-choice judges for the supreme court they'll all have their brains sucked out before the media hears about the story.  Remember, Obama doesn't want his daughters to be "burdened with a child."  

    What ever happened to consequences from actions?  If you want to have s*x, a baby is  a potential consequence and shouldn't be just tossed away, no matter what your age.

  6. They won't get knocked up. Like their parents, both will go Harvard and become something big unlike Bristol.  

  7. They will honor the daughter for taking responsibility for her actions by killing the baby!  After all, his daughters shouldn't be punished with a baby!  SICKENING!

  8. If it happens,

    it won't be happening to a foolishly blinded family that believes you can tell teen agers JUST DON'T DO IT

    itwill happen because they planned it and stopped taking birth control !

  9. Elite Obama has already said he would not "punish" his daughters with a baby. You will not hear about it, because abortion will take care of the "problem".

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