
So, in light of Russia's recent actions in S. Ossetia & Abkhazia, Georgia...?

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Do you see Russia attempting the same with other Eastern European countries?




  1. Georgia started that fight.  Putin alleges at US instigation to sway voters to McCain.  I can't prove whether Putin is telling the truth.  But.. Russia certainly didn't start this fight.  They certainly overreacted.

  2. I agree, russia did nothing more but fulfilled it's duty of protecting the russian citizens who faced invasion by georgians in south  , the georgia president started this and instigated the situation to make russia look like the bully!

  3. -in terms of who started the conflict everyone knew the war was going to break out during the olympics, rural guys at a south ossetia checkpoint on both sides of the line shooting their guns....

    -russia is expansionist. they want more land, more ressource, more oil from sattelite countries that used to be part of russia.

    -russia has somewhat rebuilt itself since its economic collapse in the 90s, so yes they will re-attempt and putin is a ex-kgb pro-soviet anti-west kind of guy. and europe is still making trade with russia even when russia has broken the un article 24 convention, invasion without security counsel approval. (same as what bush is doing in irak). if they get away with it, which they are by killing geogian civilans posing as peace keepers, they can certainly do it again in other eastern european countries, and the states is not helping because they are overstretched in the mideast.

    - i think you answered you question when you said eastern european countries. theyre all poor and not in nato or european union so they figure they can get help from russia, but thats so idealistic romantic nostalgic....

    -the problem is that those independent states in georgia are actually part of georgia, and every country has independent groups. if we let every country do that, we would have a pretty unstable world.  

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