
So, is Karma really a b****?

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Everyone always says Karma will come back to bite you in the a**, but does anyone actually know of anyone that it has happened to? Have you or someone you known done something really rotten and have that Karma come back to you?? I like to believe that it does, but I have yet to actually see it happen, so I am just wondering if anyone has any stories on this??




  1. I do not believe in Karma.

    I do believe vengeance belongs to God though and he does exercise his right over us and protects his elect.

  2. she is a *****

  3. yes i was raped when i was 14 he is very ill now that's all i have to say

    karma is a b*tch

  4. I'm not reading the rest I'll just tell you one thing,

    KARMA'S A *****

  5. My friend was in love with this guy he would cheat n didnt care a **** about anyones feeling he cheated on alot of girls he was a w***e he said he was having fun, he though he was the **** till now he feel for this girl and he didnt cheat on her cuz he loved her n would talk all good about her that she was the one she would b with bla bla bla n it turn out to b KARMA bitting his *** the girl was a cheater n gave him some STDs(i think he does have it no more who knows) he caught her cheating on him. he was all depress. i think thats KARMA beacuse he was a player n he got played.  

  6. Oh h**l yes. Ive seen it happen so many times to lots of people. I was just talking to some one in my psyc class about this. Her hubbys ex wife was a super b*tch when they divorced and now she has cancer! I also had a friend where a freind of the family won the lotto and they spent all the money on themselves and the wife dropped dead three weeks after they moved into their dream house! It works both ways though, when you do good it come back to you. She and I both said that event though we dont have alot we never hesitate to give what we have, or to share, and we always end up having it come back to us. She is much older than me but she was saying that her and her hubby never had much but always donated money, does that charity where you send money for a child, and always gave food to people who didnt have it and now they have two home, one in the carribean!

    And yes, God has everything to do with it!!

  7. yes karmas a ***** everytime i say something bad about someone or there situation it happens too me i get it back real bad so now i keep my mouth shut

  8. I would like to think that its God rather than Karma. But yes I've seen many people who have had this come back.  

  9. My dad. He treated me and my mom like c**p when I was younger. He went on to marry someone else and it so happened that she left his @ss, milked him and he lost his house, job and family. I still have to give him props though because a lot of people would have committed suicide had they gone thru what he did.  

  10. It is a general rule of life that how you treat others is eventually the way you'll be treated. If you like to manipulate people then you should stop because who knows: you leave your credit card in the gas station one day, someone steals it and gives you a h**l on Earth for the next 5 years. If you like to bully kids at school then you really better stop if you want to have a career and kids of your own who respect you and are safe from trouble.

    Then again there are some people who decide to become bitter at their losses when they've treated people right in the past. They take out their agression on others later and reinforce the cycle of evil that is ever growing stronger here on Earth.

    You really need to have a concern how you treat others.

  11. Yep!

    Okay - my husband and i got into a big fight back when we were dating, and we broke up.  i stooped REALLY low and had s*x with a guy he thought was his friend - just to p**s him off.  the guy was an ex i never spoke my then boyfriend didn't know that we'd already known eachother.  then, i lied to him about it for an entire year, after knowing he'd heard so many rumors about it. finally i confessed...and was surprisingly forgiven.

    two whole years later, a friend of a friend called me to inform me that his sister was "still dating" my husband (then boyfriend).  the call came in at my job.  i was furious!  they'd been seeing eachother for an entire frikkin year and i had NO clue. she's given him rides home from work, she'd been in my house, i was pregnant then and seriously didn't even notice anything was going  on.  the girlfriend confronted me, in effort to state her claim, and i, of course, rejected her.  

    needless to say - we went back and forth over these two issues for about four years.  we had NO trust for one another.  i blamed myself and him, he blamed himself and me, we couldn't forgive ourselves or was rough!

    but -- we hung in there..and i'm so happy we did.  that was some dumb, stupid adolescent bullshit we played when we were dating...we're all grown up now.  after a little counseling, we're doing alright.  but you can d**n sure believe that karma does kick you in your azz for real!

    as a teen - i'd steal stuff, never get caught, but my stuff would always either be lost or missing later

    if i wouldn't get out...but i'd pay for it severely.  to this day, if i lie, something ALWAYS comes back on me...i expect it.  so i don't lie unless i really feel like i need to.

    bottom line is - you reap what you sow

  12. there's no such thing as "KARMA" if there was.... bush would already be in h**l... and miley cyrus would already be killed by some annoying 12 year old girl.

  13. Thats my name.  HAHA!!!.

    It is weird when you think of it.  And sometimes, it actually does happen.  Like I was playing monopoly with my sister, and she forgot it was her turn, so instead of my rolling again, I said it was her turn.  She rolled and went to jail, and then I rolled and got to go to free parking, and collect all the money...and I was like, WOW!!!!  but that karma was good.

    I think it is truly all in the mind.  If you think negative thoughts for the day, then your day will be horrible, but if you think happy thoughts, even feeling down, then your day will be happy...

    Believe it or not, karma is pretty fun to play, and it gives a reason for why stuf happens (lose a game, say it was karma...crash a car into pole, say it was karma.  funny to use, and gives you a reason when you don't want to admit faults. lol)

  14. I've seen Karma in action many times, including on myself. I'm a firm believer that if you s***w someone else over, you yourself will reap the punishment.

    For instance, my very abusive alcoholic uncle (who would beat his wife until she was hospitalized when he was drunk but was a sweetheart when he was sober) pulled over on the side of the road one day to help someone change a flat tire. He was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Tell me that isn't karma!!

  15. no It's god doing that ^_^

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