
So, is the Lisbon Treaty dead now?

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The Irish have voted no.




  1. I'm Irish and i don't think its dead now but we are being treathened to be kicked off the European union if we dont vote again i think and if that happens Ireland is in hot stew but i think its still alive its just Europe doesn't want it..

  2. The Polish have said it is dead but we are dealing with traitorous politicians. i do not think that to date any population given an opportunity to vote for the treaty or the projected Eu constitution have voted in favour of it.

    Tose who were elected to govern by consent are trying to do something which is obviously without consent. They know that short of a revolution or civil war they will get away with it .

  3. No, the rules will be manipulated to suit those in power. That's how the system works. Then the western world have the audacity to criticise Mugabe for doing exactly the same thing!

  4. It should be.

    I believe the Polish Prime Minister (although their Parliament has ratified the Constitutuion (sorry Lisbon Treaty) is not going to sign it off.

    That makes it two down.

    Seanie - no way will the EU throw the Irish out.  Too much loss of face/credbility.

  5. we can only live in hope.

  6. No - the whole slippery bunch will get what the (not us) are after - trust them at your peril.

  7. By rights it should be but I have no doubt whatsoever it will be imposed on us  whether we want it or not.

  8. Yes but other countries are still ratifiying the treaty regardless, I don't know whats going to happen...

  9. No, they wil try to fudge it again and again until they get the answer they want. Lets have a referendum about becoming and associate member. Remember we joined a Common Market not a European Union. There may be a lot of huffing and puffing by those EU commissioners but who cares. They know that we buy more from them, then they by from us. That the way the bread buttered, they don`t want to eating dry bread do they.

  10. I hope so :).

  11. The Lisbon treaty should be dead now, under the rules laid down at the time, however the EU seem to operate under different rules, ones which alter to suit the circumstances, the goal posts are constantly being moved, and if a no vote this time round stops things, well never mind , the offending country can be sent back to its people and told to ask the question again, and this time ensure the answer is the one the EU wants, if it is not, then threaten to expel the offending country,this method of ensuring that the EU rulers get their own way could be termed undemocratic, indeed it could be viewed as being downright illegal, so I rather think that the answer to your question is probably No the treaty is not dead, just resting.

  12. Absolutely!

  13. I hope so!But this political cretin Gordon Brown and other European conspritors are this very moment trying to sideline Ireland!

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