
So, its my birthday tomorrow?

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Yipee!! Actually, its just another day to me. After a certain age.....lets say...after 30, its just not exciting anymore. What can I do to make it better? My family will be here and on a scale of 1-10 my enthusiasm is about a 1.. Any bright ideas? I'd love to hear them!




  1. i'm not a huge fan of birthdays either (mines next tuesday... euck.)

    but what i try to do to mix it up is make my family (the obligitory crowd on the bday) do whatever the h**l i want.

    one year it was gocarts, another it was bungee jumping, one year we all got surfing lessons, another we went clay pigeon shooting.

    do something diferent mix it up- its more likley to make everyone want your next birthday to come round again- and more likely to endear your family to you- rather than p**s you off when your all crammed around a dinner table talking about the same old same old.

    happy birthday hun- remember, age is a state of mind- so stuff it, if your 80- go swimming with sharks. live it!

  2. Ask each member of your family to write a little tribute to you.  Have a nice day doing whatever you love and then read your tributes (or have your family read then out loud to you) to end your day of celebrating you!  At my niece's wedding shower they did something like this and it was so funny and heartfelt.  Each family member was assigned one of the letters in her name and that was to be the basis of their description, poem, story, thoughts, memories,  etc.  Yes sure you may get some who say they're not creative or good at that stuff but tell 'em they can do it really funny or real simple and that it's your bday and it's all you want as a present!

  3. My birthday is tomorrow TOO !! but I am turning 17 and I know how you feel about the whole loss of excitement feeling. It is hard to plan excitement but try doing things you love to do.

    like going out to your fav. reasturant.

    I am planning on going ice skating and then ballroom dancing lessons.

    but originally i wanted to go to a rock concert... but you have to be 18... well then I will save that idea for next year.

    I always end up crying on my bday because things dont turn out the way I wanted them to be. so i am not throwing another party.

    ... I think one sweet 16 is enough.

    o and happy birthday... its the best day in the world.

  4. Have them make an old fashioned spanking machine.

    It'll be like your 10 again.

  5. When I turned 50 I went over to Wal-Mart and pushed a cart through the store, telling almost everyone I met "Hey!  Today is my 50th birthday."  It was quite fun and very interesting comments and congratulations were received.

    Yeh, birthdays are just another day, but at least we made it.  Birthdays are good for your health - the more you have, the longer you live.

  6. make sure you have the right people around you, if you arrange the right company, maybe they will plan the event for you.

    if your family is big, meals at home are a good idea. if small...go out someplace really fancy.

  7. happy birthday 2 you, happy birthday 2 you, happy birthday dear pebbles happy birthday to you.

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