
So, let me get this straight..."extreme liberals" hate other white people? ?

by  |  earlier

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that was one answer/comment to my previous question..that extreme liberals (whatever that is???) hate anyone who is not oppressed, especially other whites.


sorry, but personally, ive never met or even heard of a liberal like that.

another response said "tolerance is not always a good thing"

well, in this case, i can think of an example where tolerance did indeed backfire... in the netherlands, unconditional tolerance was extended to islamic fundamentalist immigrants ...

what the dutch didnt plan on was some of these extreme religious CONSERVATIVES assume its their duty to kill people they dont agree with!!

(see a pattern there??)

now the once-safe netherlands is not so safe anymore.

yeah, admittedly this IS a rant on conservatism... cuz i cant comprehend the conservative mindset ...and, apparently, vice-versa...but someone else brought up the "extreme liberal" i thought its only fair




  1. people like the first answerer in the question from your link use the term "extreme liberals" use it will-nilly and without understanding, the answerer talks about the liberals who shouted at her and anti-war demonstrators as an example yet she doesn't understand why they do what they do

    it's like the term is only to demonize people and to make it easier to be anti-equality and stuff

    the answerer who claims whites are hated says t hat because other people are getting equality and whites are not immune to criticism like they used to be, many right-wingers think like this

    tolerance is a good thing but bigots and various other cankers will always take advantage to spread their bile

  2. Hu?

  3. You'll get better feedback if you provide a link to your first question.  People either didn't see it, or don't remember it.

    I happen to remember your question, and I was a little baffled by answers like that as well.  I'd like to hear of some specific examples of liberals oppressing people.  That's absolutely ridiculous.  I have the nagging suspicion that these are the same people who think that it makes sense to say that Stalin was a "liberal."  I don't mind saying that there's a high correlation between political conservatism and little to no understanding of political issues.

    ***JojoZilla:  The Black Panthers didn't hate white people.  They had white people in their ranks.  Their platform advocated the freedom of all oppressed people, regardless of ethnicity.  They had Marlon Brando speaking at (I think) a "Free Huey" rally.  Do some research into the Panthers before you bash them.

  4. It is pretty much true.  I use to be a Communist when I was in college and I came across a lot of weird ideas from White Communists and anarchists as well as other races.

    One example is some Communists believe that poor and persecuted Whites can never be proletarian, no matter what.  

    Another one is that Whites should be forced to only have children with non Whites.

    Another one is that Whites should be kicked out of there homes if a non White needs it.

    Then there is the well known already in the books affirmative action.

    There are White Communists that actually believe this stuff or won't refute it. It was one thing that really turned me off from Communism, because Communism is suppose to be about uniteing mankind, but all the modern communist movement is trying to do is divide it even more with political correctness. All it did was make me a little racists.  

  5. I think "extreme liberals" is a term the far-far-way-out conservatives made up.  They have to invent enemies now, it seems.  I doubt there really is such a thing.

  6. My sister is a liberal and I brought up the Black Panthers hating white people and she just sort of laughed it off like it wasn't real.Like only white people can be racists. She also thinks that anti-semitism is wrong except when practiced by Muslims.Reillah-there is such a thing b/c there's a dogma for liberalism. Muslims are to be defended at any cost or we're haters. Blacks have a right to be racist against white people but not vice versa. I'm not sure about their stance on p**n b/c feminism isn't sure about it's stance on p**n. Abortion is a right no matter what. And so on. When you get a dogma you get a cessation of considering alternatives and then you get extremism.

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