
So, me and my boyfriend were having s*x andd..

by  |  earlier

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he accidently came in me, and i've been a little nervous.

it was only a little tiny bit tho, but what are my chances of getting pregnant? or what should i look for?




  1. when is your period due? actually, just get a test anyways... in a few days. cause of course there is a chance you could be pregnant! i've had a scare like this before too and i know it's not good so to prevent it from happening again, get on the pill or something...or use condoms... or both! simple really, but sometimes we're just so silly. good luck...!

  2. Chances are pretty high. In fact, extremely likely.

    Sorry to bear bad news but if you don't have the sense to use appropriate contraception then the pair of you are going to reap the consequences.

    You're very likely to be pregnant.  

  3. Truthfully, there's always a chance of getting pregnant, even if it's just a 'little tiny bit', which in my experience is hardly ever true. What you should have done was used some form of birth control -- even a condom would have helped. Pulling out is such a bad method. I know this from experience.

    But for now, the best thing you can do is go and buy Plan B, if you're of legal age to buy it, and wait it out. If you don't get your normal period, wait a few days and take a test.

    Good luck.

  4. Before you were momma's little baby, you were daddy's little squirt. The funny thing about those little sperms, is they like to travel in groups of like a ba-zillion at a time. (That number might be a little high).It only takes one of them to cause a pregnancy. SO, you may be a mommy sooner than you thought. If you're not pregnant, you might want to use some birth control the next time you're feeling frisky.

  5. YEAH you're pregnant... I can feel it!! JUST JOKING!! But be careful when having s*x. And i know you already know the rules of protection so implement into your sexual escapades

  6. It's probably pretty unlikely, but you still shouldn't leave anything up to chance. If you are that nervous and it's been less than 72 hours since intercourse get the morning after pill (also called Plan B). It's an emergency contraceptive pill (2 doses 12 hours apart). If you are over 18 you can buy it at any pharmacy over the counter for about $50, but if you are 17 or younger you need to see your doctor immediately and get a prescription.

    If it's already been 72 hours, you need to watch out carefully for a missed period and get a pregnancy test immediately if you do seem to be late.

  7. Chance's are pretty high... But then again they couldnt be... Wait until miss your period and then worry..

    Tender breast, mood swings, dark urine, vomiting, 2wks or so over due.

    Just sum signs to look 4... But then some women/girls are different but I would wait till you have missed your period.

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