
So, my school is 3.7 miles from my house (thats approx. 8 minutes by car). How long would it take by bike?

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So, my school is 3.7 miles from my house (thats approx. 8 minutes by car). How long would it take by bike?




  1. It depends on the route and the bike and the biker.   Might get it done in 15min, but you'd better allow more like a half hour for traffic and such.

  2. i live in the country and i live 3.6 miles away from town and do get down there it takes me 15 mins but thats all basicly downhill that way and on the way back its uphill and it takes me like 25-30 mins to get back going uphill

  3. Ride to your school on the weekend. That way you will know how long it takes for certain.

  4. M. R. has it right. Do the ride on a weekend, no worries about being late. Pay attention to hazards on your route, see if there are any places to stop and get water if you're tired etc. Have fun!! Stop and have coffee, just learn the route. That way when you commute for real, no big surprises.

    If you're not sure what routes are safe in your area check with your local bike shop (not box store or even chain - that's small independent local bike shop!!!!!)

    Also the most important tip about bike commuting we do not ride the route you'd drive. Think parallel streets, side streets, off streets. You're route may be further than driving but you'll be safer, more scenic and  might actually be faster! Takes me about 10 minutes more to bike to work than to drive and I arrive refreshed.

    Sweat: slow down about a quarter mile before work, stops sweating. Also you can carry in pannier, bike bag backpack what you need to clean up such as a spare shirt, towelette, etc.

    Of course get a helmet.

  5. LESS THAN 20

  6. ride it and find out

  7. Yea lol i skip a mile where as the car has to take it.

    Definetly bike to school just don't get sweaty...  Its not to attractive to many people. It will take about 20 minutes if u dont wanna get sweaty

  8. You should be able to average an easy 15mph, thats 4 min/mile x 4= 16 min. max, but on a bike you may find a short cut you can,t use by car.

  9. 15 min or less

  10. It depends entirely how fast you ride.

    If you ride 20mph which is a fairly good clip, it would take just under 12 minutes.

    If you ride along at a leisurely 8-10mph, it would take about 24-30 minutes.

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