
So, pelosi says she's willing to allow a vote on an energy bill. how magnanimous of the speaker.?

by  |  earlier

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funny, like the good environmentalist that she is doesn't this fly in the face of her hear felt principles? i think so. but alas, she will say i'm doing the work of the people and of course, the liberals will jump and shout and commence to name a holiday in her honor and have a parade. they will dance with glee with smiles all around and declare forthwith a statue shall be built. and ms. pelosi will smile and turn to her backroom smoke filled room and remark to her partners in political crime. "brainless twits all" please liberals, comment all you want i need a good laugh!! take your time. the answer will come eventually. maybe!




  1. she says that, but lets see if she will follow through.  i doubt she will do anything other than stall and put up road blocks to a vote, then blame everyone is.  typical pelosi.

  2. I would not trust Mrs. Pelosi with her own money.

  3. Perhaps Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's magnanimous jester is avenue that curtails the belief she is inept based on her performance since garnishing the Speakers position. In as much; its too little too late.  

  4. phil,u r so right

  5. Oh I am sure there is something in her devious brain that the politicians will have to concede too should there be any debate on our energy bill.  This is how the communist Pelosi acts, and has acted since day 1.  This Politicians ALONG with Reid need to be REMOVED FROM OFFICE for hampering anything in regards to the legal American Citizen!!!!!

  6. This horrible communist needs to be burned at the stake. Fitting punishment for the witch that she is. When will democrats put the country ahead of partisan grandstanding?  

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