
So, pictures of aborted babies are really pictures of rubber mannequins?

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Pro-Lifers are just out to deceive everyone? What do they have to gain? It seems to me that Pro Choicers have more to gain by making Planned Parenthood richer. What do you think?




  1. Most Pro-choicers, from my own personal experience, are into this garbage which teems their mind of "Oh, it's our body and we have the right to what we wish with it". They come up with anything which rationalizes the demonic act of killing another human being, and I wouldn't be surprised if it came to a point that they use it as birth control. Funny that these "Pro-Choicers" go on their hind legs about an animal being mistreated yet they will treat a human just as worse. Even more humorous that the ever conventional excuse of "Oh, it's my body" therefore declines healthcare from the government, seeing that it is THEIR body.  

  2. Marvin,

    A lot of pro-choice people also believe it SHOULDN'T be used as birth control, nor would a lot of them ever have an abortion themselves.

    It IS their body.

    If abortion was illegal again, there would ONCE AGAIN be illegal abortions being performed, killing hundreds of women. Making it illegal wouldn't stop them. If they don't want their baby, they don't want their baby.

    If a woman was going to die if she kept a a baby, would you tell her to keep the baby or have it aborted?

  3. It's true if that's what someone wants to do is their choice,they have to deal with that come judgment day,so why make them feel any worse,Know body wants to have an abortion and yes many people use it as birth control.But what can we do there are more problems to worry about such as crime,poverty, ECT,I don't mean to sound rude  or selfish but when people get into this situation they don't know what to do and would never give the baby up.Why don't people who don't approve of abortions get a big house and help the women who are scared to become mothers,So that way they won't be so alone,I know your thinking they should have kept their legs close,no birth control is 100%.I went with a friend to the clinic and the amount of people standing outside to protest was crazy,you all have to come up with a better plan,I asked them how would they help her,they responded with will will give her a basket  with baby stuff and maybe a stroller,oh wow thats alot so I hope you get the point.Instead of standing out there get together and think of a plan on how you can help these women.Such as have pamper ready,milk ready stuff like that for when they need it,I don't think abortion is right because of the lord but I can't judge anyone for what they do.But I have had an abortion before I am very sorry and pray I will be forgive I was 5months pregnant and it cost me $1200.00.

  4. I agree with a woman's right to choose and I think without abortions women would be dying from botched abortion jobs. However, abortion does mean that there is a fetus whose terminated, thus yielding a carcass, so whether or not they are real in the ads is irrelevant.

  5. A person can not be Pro-Life and support the death penalty.   That makes them Anti-Choice.

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