
So, pretty much, China is getting its gold medals through obscure individual sports and not team sports?

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Don't you think team sports should count toward more than one medal?




  1. kind of, they came up with this 119 plan, there were  119 events where they could get gold medals that didn't require a lot of people (like b-ball, or baseball).  So they focused on those 119 events and put a lot of money and everything into training for those.  

  2. one can compare to their men's gymnastic team and divers.  

  3. Just ponder this. Why wasn't any other country whining about China except the Americans and why wasn't any country whine about the US. Bottom line is , just accept victories or defeats in a gracious manner. Whining and accusing China is not going to make the Americans look better. While the Americans is whining away, Great Britain and Russia are closing the gap in the medal table.  

  4. No, not really. I think that even though they're sports that you wouldn't watch, the athletes still worked hard at getting a gold and you shouldn't cheapen their hard work.

  5. Of course not because we all know that for starters, US have the most highly paid NBA star professionals in the basketball team so that would already be 12 Gold medals in the bag...

    also i hasten to add that these so called 'obscure sports' are amongst the most popular in the world and the most popular in certain parts... just because America doesn't play them as much doesn't mean they are any less valid as an achievement... open your eyes

  6. Actually Doctor Illegals, having spent some time in the Olympic section I have to say an awful lot of questions, just like this one, are from americans whining and crying. Face up to yourselves and start giving credit where it's due. Stop being bad sports just because you didn't get enough golds.

  7. YA!

    china has the best divers! its crazy!

  8. Just because some of those sports are obscure here in the US, doesn't mean it's obscure everywhere.  Badminton is huge in Indonesia for example, same with table tennis.  China is kicking butt right now because they're pouring money into sport development like nobody's business.  Since they heard that they got the Olympics, they put training into top gear.

    They did what the South Korean did before the Seoul game, only in a larger scale, much larger.  While the South Koreans only concentrate on archery, the Chinese concentrated on so much more.

    And no, one event one medal.

  9. So these are "obscure" sports ??? Really !!

    USA got 19 gold medals from these "obscure" sports.

    China :                            

    Gymnastics 9 gold              USA 2 gold

    Diving 6 gold

    Weightlifting  9 gold

    Shooting 5 gold                  USA 2 gold

    Judo 4 gold

    Badminton 3 gold

    Trampoline 2 gold

    Archery 1 gold

    Taekwondo 1 gold

    Swimming 1 gold              USA 12 gold

    Rowing 1 gold                    USA 1 gold

    Sailing 1 gold                     USA 1 gold

    Fencing 1 gold                   USA 1 gold

    Wrestling 1 gold

  10. What on earth are you talking about? "obscure sports" you need to travel and see how the real world lives.

  11. ?????!!!!!!!!!!???????

    All I know is that Americans should win gold in the Whining and Crying competition.

  12. I wouldn't call them obscure but rather 'sports that Americans in general don't care about or even know exist'.  Do I care that China won gold in ping pong (or badminton, handball, or whatever)?  No, not really.  Does that cheapen the fact that they did?  Nope.  Good for them.

    And to answer your question, no, I don't.  That would just inflate the medal count to ridiculous proportions.  There's 12 on an Olympic basketball team, I think 12 on a volleyball team, however many on baseball and softball.....Let's say that the US wins men and women's basketball, men's indoor volleyball, and softball.  That's somewhere around fifty gold medals right there.  Ridiculous.

  13. 阿久津たかし must translate to whiny foreigner crybaby loser who's country as a c**p medal count so he lashed out any everyone.


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