
So, since my current residence is in a neighborhood that is not known for its warmth or hospitality?

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I happened to find my car vandalized this morning. This isn't really a question, more of a story. Heres how it started:

My neighbor (this really nice older African American man, works at my school) warned me that a guy was looking into my car early this morning and trying to get into it. He told me that he chased the guy off. Well, I thanked him and drove off. When I came back, I left my car in a close by parking area and went inside. Some friends came over and we hung out for a bit. When I came back out 2 hours later my car was broken into. The guy took nothing, not my navigation system, ipod or even the cash in my glove compartment. I called the cops and went back to my neighbor and asked him what the guy looked like. He said "long t-shirt, baggy pants, 17ish, chubby". Heres the part that made me upset. The cop came and asked my neighbor the same question. After the answer, the cop asked "what race was he". My neighbor had a really sad face when he said "he was black".




  1. Can I ask why you left your ipod and cash in your car?  If you live in a seedy n/hood then I would not leave such items in it.

    I assume the police needed a good description of the person and the question may not have been intended to be race driven.

  2. Don't feel bad it is not your fault.  It is sad that a stereotype ended up being true in this case.  Your neighbor is probably simply ashamed of how the kids is representing their race and continuing this stereotype.

  3. asking the race helps narrow the field of suspects - nothing more.  kids vandalize just because they can and because nobody's watching - or, perhaps he's in training for what's to come ~

    btw, stereotypical behavior is based on observed patterns of behavior.

  4. You sure that it wasn't your neighbor that did it?

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